Just In
for Reflections

5/29/2005 c1 29Skeleton Key
Sleep always comes...Either that or...Madness...
3/2/2004 c1 Kisaya
you really did a good job on setting a layer of depression on your words which added a nice effect to your piece. once again you do a great job of projecting you feelings and it makes a strong impression on the reader - well to me at least.
wonderful job and keep on with the poetry.
1/15/2004 c1 39Kesshi Mashin
Very emotional, very angst-ridden. Just what I like. ^_~ Put more out!
1/15/2004 c1 15BecomingMyself
Nice and soft way to express the loneliness that is tangible throughout your poem...
I recognize the way you write and I even see you use some same expressions I would; so... to me an easy to understand poem for the way it is written.
Nice poem!
Write on...
1/15/2004 c1 29aode
Really powerful. Really expressive. This was really great. It took my breath away... good work, and keep writing.

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