Just In
for Just Another Poem No One Will Ever Hear

5/9/2004 c1 14Willow Elandria
ohh, sad... interesting perspective, though.
seems a little more prose-ish than poetry. the last few lines are my favorites.
2/15/2004 c1 12restless-wandering
oh, sad... Beautiful use of words though to describe those last minutes... ~ponders~
1/22/2004 c1 Persn A
0.o Woah. That's deep-real deep. THe rhyming patterns are so good that it's not noticable, but it adds a subtle touch... I likes it!
1/16/2004 c1 14Hope2
"You've got the car and you've got Hope, so just give her the freaking rope." Jesus, that was depressing. Good job on it though... (God, now I get to go and kill myself...)

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