3/20/2004 c1 aaaaaaaaaaaaa
This is a really fun poem! As the aforning review said, great imagery. It seems very vibrant, and... lush, really. Nice. :)
This is a really fun poem! As the aforning review said, great imagery. It seems very vibrant, and... lush, really. Nice. :)
1/19/2004 c1 7Green-Eyed Genie
Very descriptive imagery - it sounds like this summer meant a lot to you. I especially like the visual effect of no capitals and variable line length. Keep up the good work!
PS Thanx for your really nice review of my poem! Genie.
Very descriptive imagery - it sounds like this summer meant a lot to you. I especially like the visual effect of no capitals and variable line length. Keep up the good work!
PS Thanx for your really nice review of my poem! Genie.