Just In
for Cinder Fella Was A Dragqueen

7/16/2015 c13 xPencilsCamerasx
Okay, I have to admit this too- the crossdressing princess is hot.
7/8/2015 c13 xPencilsCamerasx
Okay, the crossdressing princess version made me laugh. I liked it, though.
10/23/2011 c13 5kiyo89
Bit regretting why am I read the last chapter. It just will fine with maleXmale
10/23/2011 c10 kiyo89
Can't open the web page that you give DX
1/5/2011 c13 2beardsmakesmehappy
I like the homosexaul way better:D
4/2/2010 c10 7Roxy Nadine
Great done but PLZ pit the link on ur profile cuz I tried to paste it but it didn't work and I burn to see the picture
10/22/2009 c12 2Gforcethedragongirl777
10/26/2007 c13 Mochii
i like the gay ending better o.o :P lovley story
4/1/2006 c12 meowmeow8
this ending is SO SWET!
4/1/2006 c9 meowmeow8
yay!...nothing more to say
4/1/2006 c8 meowmeow8
hm... interesting dress description
4/1/2006 c7 meowmeow8
he should have stalled... and said something like he didn't know what to say... i still like the story though!
4/1/2006 c6 meowmeow8
this was a pretty short chapter... and i still hate perin
4/1/2006 c5 meowmeow8
aw, that's so sweet!
4/1/2006 c4 meowmeow8
i love the description of the shoes! oh, but i wish that sander didn't have to pretend to be a girl...
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