Just In
for Cinder Fella Was A Dragqueen

1/20/2004 c5 Nanshi
Yay! Great Story! Can't wait for more!
1/20/2004 c5 14peanutilover
Impossible dream indeed... yeah right! They're so meant for each other! Can't wait for the next chapter!
1/20/2004 c5 38Papillon Sierra
hee hee they're falling in love... *takes sander and ralem and stuffs them in her new cage*
1/19/2004 c4 Spooni
Wee! How wonderful! What a genius idea!
The only thing I would comment on is your tenses. Having it in present tense is effective, but even more so if you *stay* in the present. You have a habit of slipping into the past when describing things...or just slipping into the past. It;s a little thing, but fixing it would make the story so much the better.
1/19/2004 c4 Papillon Sierra
very cute
1/19/2004 c3 Papillon Sierra
poor sander... *big hug* but i like orlah she's cool
1/19/2004 c2 Papillon Sierra
hee hee he wants the dress!
1/19/2004 c1 Papillon Sierra
weird title... but i like... i'm still bored! hee hee hee *bangs into something* ow...
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