Just In
for Unexpected Revenge

2/5/2006 c27 8Raven O'Connor
I can't believe it's the end of the story! And what a perfect ending. I'm glad Brant wasn't going to jail and the bad guys get what they deserve. This is a great story. I really enjoy reading this. Great work!
2/3/2006 c26 1Bish
Ooh, yes that was good! Not too much suspense, but still great. hehe, so Libby was there all this time! I liked that part. :)
2/2/2006 c26 Chris
Woo, so they found her. Awesome.

Anyway, yeah your response did make things clear, thanks. Great chapter, only one to go though! Keep it up.

2/2/2006 c26 ClaimingUntoughable
keep up the good work its awsome
2/1/2006 c26 Tyson McFall
Hi, I found your story by chance on here. I really liked it and was wondering where the last chapter is. I am curious to see all the ends tied up. Great job!
1/31/2006 c26 17Lady of romance world88
Hey! I gladly Brandt found Libby. I hope he wont hurt her and wont let her go again.She's his. I wonder what cops going to do with Mr anderson? Hurry update soon.
1/30/2006 c26 WickedMe
After what Brant and Libby have been through, they deserve a happily ever after. They will, right?

Great, intense story!

Can't wait for the ending.
1/30/2006 c26 8Raven O'Connor
Yay, he found her! Now, I can't wait to find out what really had happened between Brant's brother and Monica.
1/30/2006 c26 7Someday-I-will-Understand
it was great as usual.. I cant wait to see what happens, and how you end the whole story.. update soon! oo and thanks for reviewing my story.. and for the advice it really helped alot =)
1/30/2006 c26 7x.sweet.catastrophe.x
Yay, they're back together! I can't wait for the ending, I love this story!
1/30/2006 c26 25MacNWoody
yeah, the languege was a little...yeah, but a good update...there was one part that said something like "Brant stared looked..." might want to fix that, but a good job, keep up the good work!
1/30/2006 c26 19Hydie
*grins* This was good.
1/28/2006 c25 17Lady of romance world88
Hey! I wonder how will Brandt going to rescue Libby? Oh my dear. Poor Libby! I hope Brandt and Libby will be end up together and have happily ever after. I hope Libby will be ok. I hope Brandt wont hurt or injured himself. Hurry update soon.
1/26/2006 c25 Chris
Well, well, well. Marvellous, indeed. I must say, this story is very good, too bad it's nearing an end. You're a really good writer, I envy your work. But hey, maybe you could do a sequel or something later? I'm sure it'll be popular too. Yep.

Oh, just a question: why were they in that building in the first place? (talking of the first chapter) *Solely* to kidnap Lizzy? Or was there some other motive? Because I think, for kidnapping a woman it won't really need alot of men, would it? Just wondering.

By the way, the suspense is killing me. I don't want the story to come to an end, but in a way, I want it to. :p I wanna know...okay, I'll shut up now.

Keep up the good work. Oh, and you better be grateful, this review is the longest I've typed in a while. Hehe. ^^;

1/24/2006 c25 25MacNWoody
a nice update, kinda interesting that David was able to keep up the act. well, looking forward to more!
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