Just In
for Sin

11/22/2004 c1 23Nothing Profound
me gusta mucho
1/27/2004 c1 121Seeker of the Way
You have such a wonderful mature view of the world, more the pity the last e-mail I got from you was NOT from you. sighs You were very smart with me at least, and I THOUGHT I was just being a friend, right? It was nice being your friend, you are a very put-together person! Maybe we can talk again in 3 or so years? yeah, I know. TAKE CARE! OK, only reviews from now on, OK? You can carry on, be strong!
~ SotW (J)
1/26/2004 c1 cerealkiller88
Umm...cait darling. its great and all but um... we should really discuss the god thing sometime. I keep fergettin that you are not athiest. I shall win you to my side! J.k. I love you the way you are, GJ.

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