Just In
for From the Cradle to the Grave

3/18/2014 c22 ASDFGHJKL

OK BUT srsly this chapter was perf, so it makes up for that, dw.

well, ok. it was perfect minus the fact that it was a tad short, but you mentioned that already so

I'm just grateful that you haven't given up on this story. I've been a fan for the past 3ish years, and I'm SO FREAKING EXCITED for the rest of this story! hopefully it'll be done before I graduate high school, but we'll see, yeah?(:

[I was reading this as a little 14 year old, if you can believe that.]

I can honestly say that this is one of my favorite stories on here. I love your writing style, I don't hate Meredith as a main character (that's more rare than I care to admit), Chris is fab of course, the characters seem real and not forced, the plot seems like it's going somewhere, etc.

I feel like this story can only go one way from here, and that's UP.

anyway. this chapter was fab. I hope I'll get to read more before YOU graduate as well hahahaha

thanks for writing this!(: it's great(:
3/17/2014 c22 Zazajo
Please update soon! I was having this feeling. It was telling me to go log in on fictionpress. Haven't really done it in a year or so. And to my surprise you updated! The universe works wonders. I love this story so much, i wished i read it the first time around. But now i have to do with waiting. Please don't be long. Please pretty please. Please please. Hahah. Greeting from Holland.
3/16/2014 c22 1DuchessYappingDog
Ughhhh I'm really curious what Trent's up to. Is he being good, and just working long hours, or is he playing around (and working long hours)? I don't know who I want her to be with!
3/15/2014 c22 1A.E. Summers
I waited to read this for so long and was SO excited and SHOCKED to see that you had updated! Cant wait to read chapter 23 and I hope you post it soon :)
3/14/2014 c22 7gulistala
I ship Chris and Meredith but it really is wrong for her to be there under the circumstances- she's still in love with him and she's in denial about it. Sighs. Wonder if she'll admit to herself and take action accordingly. Really glad you updated!
3/14/2014 c22 1Kiss The Stars With Me
So I was super excited to see that you updated this story especially after I just reread it only a couple of weeks ago. I absolutely love your writing style. It's really fluid and something I wish was evident in my own style. I can't wait to see more!
3/13/2014 c22 Hizuki
I'm so glad you updated! Thank you so much! I totally forgot how much I loved this story until I re read it from chapter 1 to chapter 22! And oh lord Chris is back! I was sort of rooting for Trent because of how much he had changed but now after working so much and a female coworker is hitting him up?! My faith in him is becoming shaky :( I just hope Mere isn't going to be the one that slips up you know? But I can't wait for more! I hope you update soon! Keep up the amazing work
3/13/2014 c22 1MileyRowling
Nice work!
3/13/2014 c22 CoConutella
I MISSED YOU SO MUCH! but im glad to hear you've been gone cuz you were taking care of grad school! GOOD LUCK WITH THAT and keep it up 3 im willing to wait an eternity as long as you dont quit on writing! 333333 ahhh i missed chris and his sexiness so much *_*
3/13/2014 c22 LadeyJezzabella
Wow! An update! This is great. I honestly love this story so I am glad you are sticking with it; the time gap is no problem, we all have writer's block! Keep it up, I can't wait for the next update! Jess xx xx
3/13/2014 c22 1feelings.written
Yes, yes, yes!
Perfect. I'm so glad you're back.
3/13/2014 c22 1leavesfallingup
She is already lost. Now the only question is if he is there to save her or if he will destroy her all over again.

Welcome back to the land of the living, by the way. Hope that you've caught your second wind for the final sprint to the grad school finish line.
3/13/2014 c22 mylittleprincess
YAY! you'r back,update please:)
3/13/2014 c22 Jess2425
As a follower of yours from the beginning, I have to say your decision to go back and revise was perfection. The story has much better structure and conveys emotions with more clarity, making Meredith seems stronger, a bit wiser dare I say. Awesome work and please don't keep us waiting another year for your next update ;)
3/13/2014 c22 2Devilish Kisses
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