Just In
for Standing

6/30/2004 c1 20HannahMarieWillow
interesting story, i hope u will upd8 soon
3/5/2004 c1 Jelliod Jane
Awesome! Update soon! Update soon!
1/28/2004 c1 30Roadside Dryer
Wow, this so far is great, i love the detail and the plot of it, update soon!
1/25/2004 c1 34Iris Devine
That's a really interesting story so far! I love the names Gwen, Drake, Aleeshon, and Sascha!
seventeen your old
1/23/2004 c1 1Okami Hikage
Oh...interesting. Before the meeting, I was a little lost, but I paused and thought about it, and pretty much got the main jift. Of course, I'm slow, so maybe that's why. Heh. One thing that caught my eye is the line when Gwen talked about never seeing her dad before. Perhaps that'll become important later in the story? ^^

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