Just In
for Uncle Mike My Friend, My Uncle

1/9/2005 c1 julia
biss, im so sorry that you had to go through this, that's terrible.luv, julia
9/5/2004 c1 10youdon'tknowme91
i like this poem, thought it was very nice :).. sorry for your loss, though
2/6/2004 c1 LittleCreatureOfTheSnow
Mokilawsas. (That's Swahili. . .)
1/28/2004 c1 4Nobody At All
Aww that's so sad. I'm sorry for your loss.
1/26/2004 c1 19Lizzybelle Kay
wow... this is so sad! great display of your emotions. I can really visualize how you felt about your uncle's death.
1/26/2004 c1 22glitch804
that's so sad biss chan... hey! u need to review all of my crap! i did all of urs! Kudasai!

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