Just In
for Feelings

5/26/2004 c1 23Homey
Ok, just because you don't like your work doesn't mean that it is a terriable piece. Give it a chance, others may like it. or if you still arn't satisfied, take some time and revise it. I liked it so foo on you lol.
5/17/2004 c1 169Crimson Riley
like life this poem shows all emotions.
good work
2/9/2004 c1 144Infinite Smiles
Very simple, but i love it. I love the whole mix of emotions in the poem. It's true. We are all complex beings and go through a vast array of emotions. Nice work.=))
1/28/2004 c1 189lyricalprose
For one your poems does not suck! Never ever refer to your words as crap, because behind every word lies meaning and behind every meaning lies emotions, and behind emotions lies your hearts inner most desires.
I liked it so, yea *sticks tongue out at you*
1/26/2004 c1 47Kenishiro
no, i don't think they're suck, more of a raw poem, that is what come to mind when i read your poem, good job!

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