Just In
for Invisible Tears

2/12/2004 c1 57Ente
that a nice poem. I can't believe you've written 53 things! wow! I really enjoyed reading this despite the sadness. It makes you think..invisable tears...I have to go ponder it some more. but i really liked the poem! keep it up! ^_^ i especially like the last stanza. that's amazing...
2/4/2004 c1 1Lauren K
I love the phrase "crying invisible tears" I understand...sometimes crying looks so beautiful, but you can't because of life and because you're not supposed to. And when you can break the barrier and cry, sometimes it's so difficult..to cry and to stop. Last year I found out that my cat died right before school, and during my first class, I suddenly started bawling...it was awful. Sorry, random there...when there's a blank screen I can't stop typing! But good, seriously. I like! Also: "If all my emotions are used dry"
1/30/2004 c1 32DeViLDaughTeR
i can relate to this 100% really good me love it
1/30/2004 c1 simpleplan13
great poem.. i cant realte cuz i cry all the time.. i love the last stanza.. very cool!
1/29/2004 c1 52The Reasons
wow. i like this. i know what you mean.

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