Just In
for Milkshake

11/14/2004 c1 00Anonymous00
My, my, my! This was very well made! Impressive! I understood perfectly clear what exactly this piece was trying to paint in a reader's mind. Except for one thing.
I'm wondering if this Renne is a prostitute or a nymphomaniac. Although, I'm guessing she's a little bit of both. Don't answer my question though. ^^
I've been planning to make something about a nymphomaniac ever since, but I just can't find the right inspiration. (Chuckles)And now, after reading this story, I don't think I want to make one anymore. It'd be trash compared to this! (Lol)
I love your technique and style in writing. You write marvelously!
The most notorious stalker of F.P.
The most perverted untouched virgin,
- Wicked Tongue
5/24/2004 c1 3Shya
Thats nice =-o. Quite a shocker, but your writing is fantastic! You are awesome. :-)
4/1/2004 c1 Bamboti
good, very good. neat how u incorporated the song into ur story.
2/11/2004 c1 54Werecat99
Interesting, to say the least.
2/1/2004 c1 7neunundneunzig
That was interesting; fascinating how you've worked a profound vision into a hip-hop hit (whoa, tongue-twister). So does she like, contract a sexually transmitted disease at the end or something?
1/31/2004 c1 1shyley
that was well very itresting
1/30/2004 c1 30Roadside Dryer
Okay, that was good but i didn't really get it, she died? I think this would make a good story.
1/30/2004 c1 1Okami Hikage
...Interesting. I never imagined you would write a story based off of that song. o.o But, you wrote it out well. Kinda a spur of the moment thing, eh? Is there more, or is this a one-shot thing?

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