Just In
for Rose Among the Weeds

7/10/2004 c1 56AsianScaper
How love blinds and reveals to the eye, all at the same time! You've made one ordinary person, an extraordinary find. Well done!
I'd like to thank you for the kind reviews on my poetry and of all the good things you've told me, I could say the same for you. Do continue writing.
6/1/2004 c1 a fellow poet
i really like it, but instead of using like so much make them metaphors, the poem has more emphasis that way, but other than that beautiful job
4/10/2004 c1 Alchemist 3xx3
You really do amaze me. Lovely.
4/6/2004 c1 some dude
this poem blows, you stink
3/19/2004 c1 43Carter Tachikawa
Very soothing and nicely written. It's so good to see new poetry from you (even though you technically had this up for a while). Lovely images and overall nice work. Keep it up.
2/25/2004 c1 hilary
so soothing...
2/22/2004 c1 1Falling Sakura Petals
Hi, Kend- (I didn't wan't to use your whole name without permission from you. After all, this is the internet)
I really liked this poem. It's sad, and it reminds me of a friend from summer camp. By the way, this is Sara Winters, I know it's been way too long, (and you probably don't even remember me) but I had to say hi again. Keep up the awsome work, okay?
:-) FSP
2/18/2004 c1 31Modern Poet
That was awesome- I liked the end the best. I love how u described his eyes also-very vivid!
2/10/2004 c1 55AtticusOnline
This is a very vivid poem and it is very well written, i'm proud to make this my first review. And now a review in poetry form!
A Poem indeed of love for a being
Makes all of the grey a lovely thing
A trust emerges from a dust
Alas a love that is not lust.
Take Care! Write More!
2/9/2004 c1 32Arietti
^^ Very pretty, DA, AS USUAL! *smile* Keep it up!
1/31/2004 c1 Julia
I love the last line...you are right in calling him ethereal, worldly roses all have thorns.
1/30/2004 c1 50Chandra-Moon
I liked this. It was a weird sort of love poem, very original, and well written. I liked the title too. Overall, a very good job. Keep writing!
1/30/2004 c1 EludesTheDay
Excuse me, Miss Dream Angel. I heard no objections when I asked you to write this poem about HIM. :-D And it's AMAZING by the way.
1/30/2004 c1 6scapegrace
Witty, mysterious and nicely descriptive! Good work, dah-ling!
1/30/2004 c1 Nadia20
Ah I love this poem...:D I love your comparisons, excellente'! (Ok, the little accent mark's nota working, but you know what I mean.) ;)

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