Just In
for Who's Ever Heard of a Hockey Romance?

9/20/2012 c1 Guest
That was adorable! Being an avid hockey fan myself, and having a huge crush on a player, it was just awesome. :3
9/18/2010 c2 folkenbev
I love this! I wish you'd continue.
6/11/2008 c2 x3life
aw this was so cute!
7/15/2004 c2 4Spawn of Hell
hockey romance, huh? it was good. lot of fluff but i couldn't help smiling at how happy that girl seemed. and her hockey player seems to good to be true!its good story, well-written and enjoyable. : )
4/29/2004 c1 Leonie
What a wonderful piece of fluff, Nicole!
You've come up with a great character with Eliza, I could totally realte to her!
I really enjoyed the naration point of this story too!
I hope you will continue writing this, I want to hear about Eliza dying for the hundreds time ;)
3/28/2004 c2 3Ayne
hehe, I love it! a little cheesy, but I'm in that sort of mood. Hockey players are the sexxiness ;) hope to see you continue it!
2/6/2004 c2 5DisillusionedStarryEyed
More more more! ^.^ It was so cute!
2/5/2004 c2 FlamingHeart109
AH! GREAT STORY! Not only am I a HUGE hockey fan, but HOCKEY GUYS ARE HOT! LOL! It's great to have a story with one in it! OMG UPDATE ASAP! UPDATE I SAY! lol! I love the story! haha, write more pleze!
2/1/2004 c2 Whitney
Update. This. NOW! hehe. i LOVE hockey with a passion, so this is awesome! Keep up the good work!
2/1/2004 c1 fortune cookie
this is really good. you are a great writer, and i love this story.
1/31/2004 c1 writtenreality
this was good but was 2 damn long.. u should have broken it down into 2 or even 3 smaller chapters.. just a tip tho.. just ignore me if u want to.. okies then bye
1/31/2004 c1 Angelhealer
Such a cute story! I loved Eliza's rambling on to herself (I think i just died...for the twentieth time)..hehe
This was a great short story. I hope you write more!

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