Just In
for Mikaili

7/8/2010 c8 39Finwe
I have to admit, I can be pretty bad about reviewing, but I LOVE! your stories! I read Fallen and Eadoin a few years ago, and just recently reread Fallen, and now Mikaili. You've got a good grasp of how to write intense scenes, and a great knack for ending your chapters in just the right spot to keep your readers coming back! I REALLY hope you continue this because I'm very interested to see what happens to Jalen and Mikaili, but especially Yahto. He really grew on me by the end of Fallen. I'm also curious about who Mikaili's old lover (?) is, and how poor Olin came to be possessed. I promise to review if you write another chapter! =D

With much hope!

Finwe =^.^=
8/27/2005 c8 Mei-Chan16
Wow this was a great chapter. Glad i finally had time to read it. My computers been in the shop all summer so i have limited internet access; but i loved this chapter.I hope to read more, ive missed Olin (original personality)
6/10/2005 c8 5RedBird13
Wow, I like it more and more with each chapter! You must keep going, you can't leave all of us readers hanging! This is a great story, and I have one question: will the characters of 'Fallen' appear? They are my favorites! Anyway, congrats, and up date soon! ;]
6/4/2005 c8 centi here clings
OH MY GOD (sobs) Edana, I love you so much. This update is like a highlight and sunshine on my murky icky life. PFU You made my bad day turn not so bad even though it was a real bummer chapter. Your writing is dreadfully beautiful and descriptive as always, and it simply feels like everything has gotten a whole lot more interesting. It took me a little bit of reading before I remembered everything I've forgotten since the last chapter but it all came back to me. I'm falling more and more in love with elizabet, cheering for jalen and yahto but um well, that was a pairing I wanted last story haha, and really feeling sorry for kai and olin. I guess the only bad thing is its been so long that I dont remember the descriptions of olin or kai anymore, nor how old elizabet is here. BUT OMG I wanna draw more and more with every chapter. I've never finished a fanart for you but I really have to. Your writing not only inspired my art and gives me this strong desire to create something as beautiful as your words, it also makes me want to write. I've neglected my writing likely more than you lately. I hope everything is going well for you in school and I'm just glad you haven't left permanantly. I'll forever be a devoted fan.
6/4/2005 c8 15Neechi
Every time I read something of yours I always want more. I don't know if I want to thank you or scream about the lack of other chapters.
6/3/2005 c8 Nobody85
Welcome back! ^^

Such a long chapter with so much going on! o_o... I love it. ^^ I hope Kai will be okay! And everyone else for that matter.

Please update soon!
1/5/2005 c7 Akushiro
It's a sin I'm not logged in. Anyway. I love your stories and characters. I read them over the past few days. (I know I'm slow) I hope you can update soon.
1/2/2005 c7 2Mytheos
Dear God. You have to update.
12/10/2004 c1 7Clairvoyant
*oohs and aahs* Very interesting. Kai...just like(well almost like anyways)that guy from Beyblade.[there was no need for me to say that was there?]yay story...i like it!
8/31/2004 c7 centi here
dun think my last review posted right. If it did I'm sorry for posting again. Anyway here goes. The newest chapter was just as wonderful as the last, the plot always moving at such a steady pace. I think I like it that way. My stories always move by so quickly and I only wish I could slow things down. I'm obviously dying for more though because you always leave off with such cliffhangers. Mrew, really worried about Jalen but I honestly mean it when I say, the second someone started protecting him I backed away from the computer for a minute, pointed at the screen and shouted, THATS MY YAHTO! THATS MY YAHTO! Haha I really love him, dont really know why. Then again I love most all your characters, at least ones with potential for a heart. I'm really worried about mikaili though. Please write more soon tho dont rush as usual, and I especially cant wait for more Guided By. Its so very wonderful!

8/31/2004 c7 5Seirvitas
The newest chapter was just as wonderful as the last, the plot always moving at such a steady pace. I think I like it that way. My stories always move by so quickly and I only wish I could slow things down. I'm obviously dying for more though because you always leave off with such cliffhangers. Mrew, really worried about Jalen but I honestly mean it when I say, the second someone started protecting him I backed away from the computer for a minute, pointed at the screen and shouted, THATS MY YAHTO! THATS MY YAHTO! Haha I really love him, dont really know why. Then again I love most all your characters, at least ones with potential for a heart. I'm really worried about mikaili though. Please write more soon tho dont rush as usual, and I especially cant wait for more Guided By. Its so very wonderful!

8/28/2004 c7 ddz008
Great chapter!
Your stories are always so interesting!
I LOVE them!
You have to keep writing, I don't know many things and there's so much I want to understand!
Love it! You left it in such a dramatic point! ¬¬
Hope to see the next chapter, really soon!
:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
8/24/2004 c7 9r.mai
O.O aiya yi! jalen just got the crap kicked out of him ... and he and kai are separated. the bitch that beat the crap out of jalen fled after yahto SAVED him ... and leda thinks that yahto hurt him ... and ... i really need to read your chapters when i'm fully awake. when a new chapter comes out and i find out, it's usually very late. in fact it's 3:15 am right now. i need to read them when i'm awake. there's always a lot of information to process and my blurry eyes and weary brain can't keep up. i hope jalen and kai get reunited soon. kai's swimming to hell? oh, that's FUN. well, be seeing ya next chapter! bye bye! hope you update soon!
8/23/2004 c7 5RedBird13
"That he was swimming down straight to Hell." Creepy... but REALLY cool! I love your trilogy so much... poor Jalen, what will happen to him? Up date soon!
8/22/2004 c7 Mei-Chan16
Wow this chapter was great i cant wait till the next one!
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