Just In
for Bittersweet

2/28/2004 c4 meijing
*cries* Gee, I came in late. I should have read this sooner! Sorry. -_-` Happy (late) B-day, and sorry about your having to live in Homophobia City (don't worry, you can gush about slash with us!) Love this story—it's wonderfully bittersweet. -meijing-
2/28/2004 c4 9T. Riddle
Wow, this was really good. Lately, I've been finding it hard to find some good slash! thank you. Man, I really like this. Continue...soon?
2/28/2004 c4 35Pables
This story totally rocks. I WOULD add it to my favorites but I've run out of space to add more :( lol. Keep up the good work!
2/19/2004 c3 28Shadow of the Light
I like it so far, and look forward to more! You have done a wonderful job of Kris and Sean's characters! Now however I am curious as to what will happen next, and that is something only you can help with! All in all I appologize for this being so short, alas I am tired and do need a few winks of sleep before tomorrow! Keep up the excellent work and with any luck there will soon be yet another wonderful chap for all to read and enjoy. ttfn! =^_^=
2/19/2004 c1 10StarBorn77
I have only read the first chapter, but so far, this is written so well that it seems insane. I for one no how diffictult it is to write a slash story, since I wrote one myself, and so far you have a beautiful beginning. Great job.
2/8/2004 c2 2terra-bookie
wow. cool. this story's great. i can't wait to read the next chapter. but, um, they were ten the first time? kinda screwed me up until i realized that it was in the 1700's, and kids matured faster back then. oh, please update as soon as humanly possible. right after you read this review, if you can. ^_^.
2/8/2004 c2 Sarah Anna Lewis
Lovely story. I love the time setting, it adds something to the story by making it more authentic. Like some other people have said, your description is amazing, and also lends "believability" to the story. I hope you update soon and often! (I don't have a FP.net account, but I can be found in Fanfiction.net under the penname I've signed with here. =) )
2/7/2004 c1 no one important
it's good
2/6/2004 c1 hannah
aw, poor you. i empathize; i too live in a homophobic environment, except for one girl who's too much of a b*tch to talk to anyway.
Your fic is great! i love the way you use descriptive speech. i can easily envision the scenes described, and the fluff wasn't so bad either. nice job. Is this a oneshot? I hope you continue it!
2/6/2004 c1 1Dream-beguiled
Aw! They're so cute! They seem too young to really know what they're doing, but still...aw! :-) Update soon!
2/6/2004 c1 1Bakadesu
Nice. Your grammar was good, but I think the romance happened a little too quickly - if it was a romance. This story has so much potential, so please don't let it waste itself to predictability.
However, your descriptions were lovely. I really like your style and I'll be sure to check back for updates, so update soon!
I know Homophobia City. I'm not sure if it's the exact same one you're talking about, but I have lived in one before. Urgle.

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