Just In
for Patience

11/20/2005 c1 50ScarletDreamer
wow. amazing. It's sad to know that there are people who go through these emotions, but it is a truth we must all realize. great work.
2/16/2004 c1 An Addict
i will say this: there is nothing harder than having a problem that is near impossible to deal with and having someone you love be pained by it. I love you sweetness
2/14/2004 c1 26Endless Nightmares
Disturbing poem, but I liked it. Nice little imagery.
2/10/2004 c1 2Amazon Artemis
Very nice, short and sweet. Good job. I love the whole suicide idea. Well thats all I have to say.
*Leaves with knife to kill someone*
2/7/2004 c1 Angelic Hellraiser
I like it very good job.
2/6/2004 c1 70Suz4eva
Great Job, Sis,.
2/6/2004 c1 1Jimmy Jazz
Ah, very good, especially the second stanza, shows great talent.
2/5/2004 c1 22MorbidMan
Strange. Good poem.
2/5/2004 c1 10Crelian2202
I like this one much better. I think it is set up in a much nicer manner, Great job.

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