Just In
for Jack the Ripper in My Basement

8/8/2010 c1 6Starlit Stranger
would you mind terribly if I added this to my Jack the Ripper group?
8/17/2009 c1 3falling ashes
I really liked this piece. It was very deep and engrossing, and even if I couldn't find the meaning it a part of it, I couldn't stop reading. Nice writing, too. Good way to hook the reader. Very nice job! ^_^

I especially liked the ending:

If rock bottom is a place

Wouldn’t there be something under,

Even if it’s nothing?

For even nothing needs a name.
2/6/2005 c1 70this is britt
at first, I was confused. but your writing is so beautiful. it just pours out, everywhere.
3/13/2004 c1 594JoyfullyStruggling
this is very cool
2/22/2004 c1 119AntiPleasure
Impressed, impressed I am.
"If I could be buried under so much sleet,
Would I still be human? Still"
I think a lot of people often wonder this, and have a lot of fear. If something kills you in your sleep, would you remember yourself as a human? Would you be human. I especially am impressed with the use of Jack the Ripper, since he ties in there somewhere along the line. Good work.
Jenna xx
Please, please check out some of my stuff if you have the time =)
2/6/2004 c1 8Kezkay
This is so deja vu... I just watched a documentary on Jack the Ripper today...freaky. squee! I love your weird descriptions that lead to sensations. Hehe, little man, greenland... I was laughing. I especially liked the ending. It reminded me of a passage in "Beloved" where Sethe was talking about Sweet Home, but then she wondered if because that place was so beautiful, was Hell a pretty place? I dunno. weird. I go on to the next author alert message in my inbox now. Hopefully, there will be a Loki update... -Kez
2/6/2004 c1 3Another Pseudonym
interesting ramblings.
though i couldn't find the collective meaning for it, i did seem to find some meaning within each break.
i must say that i don't think the title does the contents justice. though there is mention of jack the ripper, a piece with such a title could easily have ended up (as i assumed it might) a work of mindless drivel with some "horror" undertones. but this is much more.
i think the last section might be my favorite, esp. the line: 'For even nothing needs a name.'
well, i like the whole thing.

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