Just In
for Courtly Love

2/15/2006 c13 Titia
I am very much enjoying this story, the battling between the two, the difficulty they have with their emotions, their uncertainties, and then the slow way they seem to be coming together.And i quite like uncle Robert and the lady Gwenifer with godchild. There is nothing i'd really think needs improvement, though you might consider giving Mararad a little bit more debt, show some of the thoughts going through her head. Unless of course that is for later chapters. I'll be looking forward to more.
12/23/2005 c13 Flora
All your stories are really good! Please update as soon as you can!
7/20/2005 c12 lonelywriter09
I really love this story and your Searching the Soul books. Is there any chance of you finishing them? Could you please email me to let me know? I really wish you would continue with them. You're an excellent writer and it shows through your stories.
12/7/2004 c13 lou
I don't know if you'll actually read this..I sure hope so!For I've done a great work of catching up with the story (either here or there..) and...I'm incredibly frustrated...There, I think I'm crying right now!Just kidding I wanted you to know how much I appreciate this story (and how much I wish you would continue it..)Good luck with everythinglou
9/2/2004 c13 ally
argh! I can't believe you just left the story hanging there? What's going to happen next? It's so sad reading about Angharad...btw how DID you make up that name? Please update soon - I'm absolutely dying to know what happens next - what with Angharad and william FINALLY being remotely civil and that evil Davyd! You never fail to amaze me with your talent for story writing - another great story well done BUT not finished. UPDATE SOON!
5/6/2004 c13 1Hyper Squishy
I love it so far! William and Angharad are great characters! I can't wait to see what happens!
4/23/2004 c13 myworks87
Oh no. There's even more obstacles now. I'm glad you added that conversation between Angharad and her friend. It makes Angharad more likeable and sympathetic to the reader. Or the reader is sympathetic to her, actually. So great chappie. Keep up the updates, 'cause I hate it when you take forever (duh who doesn't hate waiting? ) Well, that's all for now. Bye!
4/23/2004 c13 3auzzie12
hey, i love ur story! its very well written and the story line is so addicting! keep writing please!
4/22/2004 c13 8wendy chism
woah yet another unexpected turn lol damn yer good @ those...pleease update soon
4/22/2004 c13 lonelywriter09
Oh... I want to know what happens next! Please update soon! I seriously don't think that you update enough. Anyways what's Robert thinking with Angharad still with Davvyd (is that how you spell it?) and now 'flirting' with William? Update soon?
4/9/2004 c12 wendy chism
o i loved this chapter...like i said before i think that robert and angharad would be soo cute together, but im not so sure about william and the woman he's found...she seems too...arg i dunno the right word...too calculating perhaps? plz update soon, you're a wonderful writer!
4/9/2004 c12 myworks87
Angharad sure is a piece of work! my goodness. I like her, yet I greatly dislike her ways, if you know what I mean. I don't like the whole seducing bit, and I hope that someone will help her out of that shell. And Robert is a great guy, but I'm quite partial to William. Even if he did desert her and make her wait. Poor girl. Poor guy. Poor...older guy. I feel bad for everyone! Drinks all around.
4/9/2004 c12 zagato
this is going to be some competition. thank you for the update and please write more.
4/7/2004 c11 wendy chism
omg! this chapter was wonderfully written...i had totally not expected anything like that! omg lol i think Angharad and Robert would be really cute together...cant imagine how william would take that tho lol
update soon! PLEEASE! =)
4/6/2004 c11 10My Works 87
hm...Like William, I'm not sure I like the woman Angharad has become. She's so cold, and stoic. Like stone. And she manipulates. Maybe you should add a little humanity into her, pain or something. Even when she talks of the past, she seems oddly distant. Maybe that's what your going for, but still, a little life? Heh heh. But William. GOtta love him, since he's FULL of life. I feel bad for their situation, as time did not work in this couple's favor. Hopefully things might be mended. I really like Robert, but I don't like the idea of him with Angharad. He's such a sweet guy, but ... no. Not together. Heh heh. Okay! All my rambling for the day!
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