Just In
for A Slumber Did My Spirit Steal

2/16/2007 c3 3Kyle's Precious Little Girl
please update soon

5/30/2006 c3 25Esquirella
This is an awesome story concept!
2/5/2006 c3 5Curb Crasher
Even though I have no idea what is going on or where this is leading I am so far enjoying it.
10/19/2004 c3 lami
very good so far. i love the humour in this. here's hoping for more chapters soon.
8/16/2004 c2 3Sh'arra Rie
this is good
7/26/2004 c3 To Kill The Shadows
Ah, you must continue with this one! You haven't written on it for a few months, but I like it even more then your other story. Dream hopping is so awsome!
6/14/2004 c3 15Neechi
Oh! Want to know something completely useless? Seeing as how I'm American, there's a difference between chips and french fries. *nods* They're fries... O.O *Mental Note: Never have fries in stories.*
5/30/2004 c3 Trinket
Confusing.. but very promising. :) Can't wait for your next chap!
3/18/2004 c2 8Lilias
Once again, I bow to your writing skills. ^^ *bow* I'm so happy you posted another story! I have to say that what I've read so far is very interesting, despite the fact that there are so many unanswered questions at the moment. Or, perhaps, that's part of the appeal? ^^ Overall, I got a nice surreal feeling from what there is so far. I like the characters, or what little I know of them, and Mephisto intrigued me greatly. 3 So, interesting plot-line and very well-written, as usual; I can't wait to see what this develops into, especially with such a cliffhanger of a chapter ending. Update soon! ^_^
3/6/2004 c2 16ola
ohh... that was great *grins* i mean it. loved it. please write some more soon. is this connected to the previous chapter? is ash the guy they kept upstairs? post the next one soon! =)
wonderful work.
3/5/2004 c2 1A Griff of Many Colours
GAH! I want to know what hapens ;_; really nice work. Write soon!
2/19/2004 c1 A Griff of Many Colours
*grins* I am loving this. I think this has a really good story line so far, and it's drawn me in. Having read First Person Perspective (which, by the way, i LOVE) I'm really happy to see you're writing a new story. Good job, update soon. ^_^
2/18/2004 c1 16ola
wow, that's all i can say. this was really good. i can't wait for more. i love the way you ended it. your descriptions are wonderful too. i can almost see the two guys right in front of me. and what about that boy upstairs? what's the connection between the two? so many questions... please,PLEASE write more soon! =)
2/14/2004 c1 34i-nv-u50
Whoo! Another story! You write so well! Anyway, this looks really interesting... I hope you manage to update soon ^^ Great job!
2/14/2004 c1 1flaming-nightshade
excellent. lovely twisted character you have there, not bad, not good, just playing by his own warped set of rules. intriguing premise, i can't wait to see how you develop this further... hopefully just as well as you did in your other fic ;)
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