Just In
for Journies of Sarcasm

3/20/2004 c5 3InuyashaLuver99
HAHA! I like sarcastic stories. Keep it up and I'l keep in touch!
(Hi to MunkeyreadMunkeywrite its your sis)
3/19/2004 c4 Persn A
Stupid pink unicorns... *grumble, grumble*
3/3/2004 c5 Mychael Lynne
LOLOL! i like sarcasm! good story, keep up the good work! ^_^
2/24/2004 c3 Persn A
It's funny how most of your stories end in "..." or "...". This is an interesting change, but we still don't know Rukie's history! T.T *is sad*
2/17/2004 c3 Sidious Sam
Oh this just keeps gettin...
Hmm, got to say at least one bad thing...
um... It's too short for my liking.
There one bad thing. Aren't I proud.
Keep up the good work
2/17/2004 c3 37Lilyoftheflames
Again, I'm really glad you brought this story back! I like the hilariously sarcastic twist it has while sorta maintaining a story line :) Keep it up! I'll be waiting-ko
2/13/2004 c2 Angel-In-Black
this is cool. It started out hilarious, but then it takes a deeper spin, I like.
2/12/2004 c2 Sidious Sam
Loved it. Struggling to find bad things to say about it so I don't waste precious bad review space :P
Damn it. Brain dead at 6.30am.
Oh well. Keep up the good work
Flattered that you added me as a favorite author. Cheers.
2/12/2004 c2 Persn A
I really love this story. It's not all serious, but it still has a valid plot. I think you should try and getthios published; it would make an awesome book!
2/12/2004 c1 Persn A
^^ YAY! *parties because the story is back up and she likes it very much* The changes are very subtle, but they make a big difference. Kudos to you!
2/12/2004 c1 Lilyoftheflames
I really liked this story and I was wondering when you were going to put it back up! hehe Well, I'm glad you did...this story probably is one of the funniest elvin stories I've read *looks around to make sure noone else was around to hear that* hehe jj...Well, I'll be waiting for you to update soon!
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