Just In
for Sex, Lies, and High School

6/13/2007 c15 helloworld
I just wanted to say...thank you I have waited forever for you to update and I am soo happy =)

Its amazing
6/11/2007 c10 5BeingMyself
Ha, Ebony's questioning if Tia was a lesbian was hilarious!
6/11/2007 c14 R0MANCEFREAK
I was a regular reader for this story and I want to let you know that YES you still have your groove! haha update soon please!
6/10/2007 c15 sup sexy
Ice and Tia because It would be a cliche now if Tia and Sniper ended up together.
6/9/2007 c15 4britty-tt
I love your story! I haven't read many fictionpress stories for a couple of months because a couple of months ago I had trouble finding good ones. I'm really happy to be able to find great stories like yours.

I think Alexia and Ice would be much better. Nd Sniper nd Tia were made for each other. Can't wait to read more so i'm already dying for the next update!
6/9/2007 c15 1gorgeous806
AWESOME im waiting for the next one =]
6/9/2007 c14 Hi
I just read through this chapter and it's a cute story, but I have a feeling I would have really disliked these girls in school. They are so shallow. Also, there are a few mistakes, like when Ice asked Tia out for the first time she gave him directions to her house, but he already knew where she lived since he had given her a ride previously. Also, in this chapter, it says Tia doesn't know Ice or Sniper's real names, yet in chapter 1 Alexia clearly tells Tia their real names, so...just things to watch for.

I do like Sniper with Tia. Maybe he could make her a little less self-involved. Oh, and the million references to fat people in a derogatory way is really offensive, but I guess this is why I hated preppy, bitchy girls in high school.
6/9/2007 c15 2omaterluna
Well I most def perfer

Sniper and Tia

Not Ice and Sniper!

(that's what you typed lol)

And as for Alexia hm...

that's a toughy.
6/9/2007 c1 2sassnsweet
sounds good so far
6/8/2007 c15 5euphorix
ooh! love this story. sniper is so hot! :) please keep writing and well done!
6/8/2007 c15 16Midge-The-Hopeless-Romantic
woot! another fab chapter m'dear, well done

i feel kind of bad for ice, but at the same time...i love sniper :) he's so sweet, in a macho way of course :)

keep writing

6/8/2007 c15 brunettefrenchgirl
Tia/Sniper for sure, and why not alexia/undersized? that could be fun ^^
6/3/2007 c14 Midge-The-Hopeless-Romantic
love it,

keep writing please!

p.s i like the subtle change in your characters, maybe your time off was good in the sense you can see they are trying to find themselves, while your trying to find them :)
5/25/2007 c14 1forbiddenlove13417
love, love, love this story! hope ice is gonna be out of the picture, and sniper and tia will get together! update soon!
5/22/2007 c14 1Whispered Darkness
wow a year?...really couldn't tell it had been that long. The story seems to be going smoothly. anyways cool story. I feel a fight coming up between Ice and Sniper (btw awsome nicknames :P)

hope it doesn't take u another yr to update. :)

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