Just In
for Sex, Lies, and High School

5/14/2007 c14 2Carter14
The story is still very well written but I feel like there should be a little more of a transition between chapters or maybe a bigger scene between Ice and Tia because I feel like the story is a little too heavily focused on the Sniper relationship. I think devoloping the relationship with Ice a little more might make any future conflict a little more emotional.
5/14/2007 c14 brunettefrenchgirl
enfin! i really was deseperate!

youpi youpi thank you! Je crois que juste le fait de voir Sex, lies and highschool ma redonné morale^^


5/14/2007 c14 omaterluna
you FINALLY updated!

And love the chapter.

This story just keeps gettng better and better.
5/5/2007 c13 1glamoureste
SHUT UP. OMg, shut up...

i just read that you haven't updated since 2005!


That cannot happen, seriously, you like need to REALLY REALLY REALLY UPDATE because I am hopelessly in love with this story. Seriously. I swear to GOD!

OMGMGMGMdklsaf;j ds;fjkldsjkbkl;sjjasf...

please, please please, with a thousand cherries on top, UPDATE!
3/31/2007 c13 Lexx
Love it! =D
3/20/2007 c13 behind these tears
As much as I like Ice, Sniper is the shit. HES THE BOMB! I love him. He should totally be with Tia. But i also like Ice with Tia. GOSH I DON'T KNOW WHO SHE SHOUD PICK! LMAO Please update soon!

Take care!
3/10/2007 c13 kmohler09
This is a very very good story. I love it a lot. Lol. Keep writing. =]
2/28/2007 c13 dramaqueen89
oh my god! its getting interesting! update soon :)
2/10/2007 c13 1victim of reality88
Hey i noticed you havent updated this in forever. I absolutely love it! It hilarious, but theres still aspects of it that kind of make it angsty, especially all the sexual tension between Tia and Sniper. AW its so cute, lol. Anyways I really hope you decide to continue this soon! bye!
1/5/2007 c13 Iamthebomb
update goddammit! lol
12/13/2006 c13 ed-misery

just finished reading chap 13, and i cant wait to read what happens next...

too bad i've just noticed that you haven't update in a year...so that sucks. =/

but anyway, Tia and Snip make a great couple...way better than Ice and Tia...for sure. hopefully you havent stopped writting...
12/5/2006 c13 Kelly
Okay, so I had a half day of school today and decided to get caught up on some fiction. This one sounded pretty good so I've spent the entire day reading it.


Lol, I absolutely love it. I beg you to update soon. I'm madly in love with Sniper lol and - am desperately waiting for that (nearly) kiss, or more? I kind of feel bad for Ice but... I like Sniper better lol. Keep up the good work! Lemme know when you update, thanks!
10/12/2006 c13 Iamthebomb
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE UPDATE THE SUSPENSE IS KILLING ME! I LUV UR FIC SO MUCH! its awesome awesome work on it! i hope u hvent given up on it
10/6/2006 c13 4Saraestla
I LOVE your story to death (but I love Ice and sniper more lol) but woman, it has been nearly a YEAR since you last updated. I know what being a lazy bun do to you (I'm one of the specimen ;D)lol, but we're desparate to know more!

anyway, could you go, read an review my story? Plz, that would be awsome :D

Update soon
9/21/2006 c13 xmjx
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