Just In
for Sex, Lies, and High School

7/3/2005 c11 WildGoddess
I want Tia and Sniper to kiss. They're so perfect together. You just HAVE to make them kiss. Right away.
7/3/2005 c11 used for nothing
AWESOME chapter! omg i want her and Sniper together so bad! PLEASE! Ice so doesn't deserve her. and i really dont like Alexia, she bugs me, specially now that i know she slept with Kurt and didn't tell Tia thats shit. but yeah, love the story, please update real soon!
7/3/2005 c2 1addicted2cocoa
hey, im curious. im pretty sure i read something with exactly the same plot, and dialogue on fanfiction.net. it was in the SWV series. you wouldnt happen to be the author of that would you?
7/2/2005 c11 7TruLiesOfTheHeart
amazing! lovely! lol sniper reminds me of a character from one of my stories might b why i love it so much lol. update soon please? wonderful as usual

Much Love

7/2/2005 c11 brunettefrenchgirl
hi! I'm french, so i don't write very well english, sorry... Your story is so cool! I love Sniper, i don't like very much Ice.. it's why i'll like if Tia loves Sniper! But it's you who see! Maybe after that they can become friends and maybe more lol! i hope Sniper is going to kill Kurt! or hurt him! Please.. update soon.. i really love this storiy! Bisous
7/2/2005 c11 Emilea
ok. compliment first: THAT WAS SO A LONG CHAPTER. i adored it! however, it was taking such a long time.. *sigh* T_T

neway! i LUVD this chapter and i strongli believe u shud update asap! ^^ teehee. adding u to mai faves. this is much too good...^^ neway. i rkn Ice is way hotter BUT sniper is hot in his own lil way...

and i adored the ending for this chapter. it was soo iono. like makes me anticipate the forthcoming shit. ^^

umm. update soon yer? cant wait.

babe anjwl.x
7/2/2005 c11 6vampyre-lover0666
heya sorri if ive never reviewed before i get kinda lazy and dont wanna type lol anywayz wicked story this chapter rocked cant wait to read the next one
7/1/2005 c11 JT FAN
great chap! please update soon.i cant wait to read the next chap.
7/1/2005 c1 Why
To many charactors... stick to one or two main ones.
6/24/2005 c10 2Look at Her
like the story, i think she'll end up with sniper, but if she did... i feel bad for Ice
6/23/2005 c10 1Princess-Pansy-girl
my fave chapter yet!
6/21/2005 c9 strawberiwine18
Oh and Sniper definitely... he's 100% my brother... and my brother and I are inseperable, so... and he's so my type. The guy you hate to love. Strawberiwine18
6/21/2005 c10 strawberiwine18
Okay so i'm still a fan... even though you have A LOT of typing errors and grammatical errors. Also... sometimes the story just doesn't flow, and I sometimes find myself thinking that the language and word use is so not up to par for this kind of website... but in all... I like the story. Although, I'm not understanding the bad boy-but softy image you've got going for "Ice." Also... I just want to say YaY! you used my last name as a nickname (how childish do I sound). Anyway check out some of my stories. Strawberiwine18
SNIPER! She should so end up with Sniper! Ice bugs me.
6/15/2005 c9 1Avril-LOVER-1
Hi...me again. Wanted to give a review for this awsome chater as well. I actually like bri. I don't know why...maybe I feel her pain. I would be the same if i was in her place. poor bri...sisters are evil to live upto! Sniper rocks. Seriously, he rocks. ice is cool to...but like I said before I think sniper is cooler, he has some of the best lines. Whatever happened to that Max character? he made me lol. I HATE kurt and tyke to. I hope they seriously get their asses kicked.Jay is funny...Roy to. I like how you introduced Conner further...like him. Alexia rocks! Hope to see her more! Uh...ok I'll shut up now. Update soon or I'll PMS all over you!
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