Just In
for Engineering In The Works

5/22/2007 c17 J.E.Wyatt
Wow, I simply love this story. Usually, I'm not into contemporary romance (I'm a historical romance freak) but your story is really great.
1/11/2007 c5 1Imprisoned wit No Restrictions
ok thats for the music...ill deffintly check everything out!

dutch? oh do you talk to him much? lol you beat him at pool? sweet! i sorry but thats ok.



i will reply asap...when i can lol

12/18/2006 c3 Imprisoned wit No Restrictions
LOL, wowzers im crazy.YAY! ahh okie dokie, thats no problem my semester is just finishing up here too. I live in South Carolina, btw. its okay i can do like i normally do either re- read it or ill find another author untill you update. ahh what fun, cus i know the feeling this wednesday, two days from today Dec. 18th, we get out for xmas break. okie dokie its no problem as long as its easy to understand i dont mindm the way you have it. its all good, just wishin, umm some of the music that you were talkin' about in the story can you name some songs, so i can go and find them and see what there like?

this eve sounds really good, if you can by then.

MERRY MERRY CHRISTMAS and HAPPY HAPPY NEW YEARS! yeah im kinda crazy around this time of the year, so dont mind that.

Have a Great Christmas and a Very Happy New Year.

Also make a really good New Years Resolution.

Confused Lover...


12/17/2006 c2 Imprisoned wit No Restrictions
ah when are you gonna fish updating? i really like this story...ughh i want ch. 17...LOL anyways your calsses are werid umm ok classes in american high school: Global Studies 1 &2, or world history (world history makes up for GS 1 & 2, GS 2 is 10th grade.)9th grade , US History 11th grade, Civis and Econoimics,(end of history), Physics, Physical Science, Earth and Envioromental, Bioloigy, Chemestry,(end of sciences), English 1 9th grade, eng.2 10th grade, eng.3 11th grade, and eng. 4 12th grade,(end of englishs), Algebra(9th), Geometery(10th), Algebra 2(11th), and Calcalitous(not spelled right, 12th),

hehe i think this is the third review so far...

Confused Lover
11/28/2006 c15 Imprisoned wit No Restrictions
wow! six months thats a really long time. i really think that she might walk out on him thats sorta what i was thinkin' when i read that part i was sorta sad to see that you left a clifhanger...*pouts* i never like them. oh well! ttys

confused lover
11/15/2006 c16 Imprisoned wit No Restrictions
wowzers! why golly gee, its been what three months, since Alyth was Claras' sister why dont she tell her already?

and what has gone on between james and Alyth before, cuz it seems like your implying that something has gone on between them two before?

Confused Lover
4/25/2006 c14 secret
Update PLZ! Although you probably won't cuz you started this 3 or 4 years ago?
10/3/2004 c14 17Lady of romance world88
Wow Clara had cute boyfriend, Liam. What about Mark? I thought he like her. Wow Mark and Clara were tutors, cool. I feel sorry for Alyth that she discover about her real family. I wonder when will Alyth tell Clara. Wow, they become friends. I wonder who was David? Wow Jaala and Jake were so cute couples. Evelyn had crush on Jake? Why she hiding in shadow? Hurry update soon.
9/21/2004 c14 forever with dusk
update! it was amazing ful...who's david?
9/21/2004 c13 3Winter's Shadow
i assume this was the lastest story you were referring to. i really liked it! don't worry you're right on track with this one not dragging it or anything. you've taken things along at a nice pace.the scottish accent is to die for! i've never really had trouble understanding it.i've always wanted to go to scotland. i've heard its a beautiful place. but then again when you've lived in the middle east nearly your entire life (though i'm an indian)anywhere else with a remotelty cooler climate is a wonderful change. please update soon!
9/15/2004 c12 fergi
dude...good stuff and about damn time too! oh, and thanks for the cookie for me reviewing the last chapter...was nice an scrummy!
8/7/2004 c11 Dina R
i love ur story! its awsome. the only thing is u misspelled some stuff n repeated a word or two, but other than that, its great. but i dont get it, where is chapter 10? i didnt get what u meant in that authors note thing in "there is a ch 10". anyways, update soon! oh yea, n good job on the story.
7/13/2004 c10 fergi
A COOKIE! :D 'twas good Pow, but alas, *sigh*, it has awakened that urge in me that we looked into earlier in the year without much success...you know...what we talked in Maths so many times about...hm...come to think of it, that could have been why I didn't know half of what the exam was talking about...
7/12/2004 c10 fergi
POW! MORE! and hurry up, I'm getting really bored with all the nothingness I'm getting up to during the holidays...except working, but I'm not really awake or paying attention duing that...so please write more soon! see you at ur birthday thing! :D
7/4/2004 c1 fergi
POW WRITE MORE DAMMIT! you don't have an excuse anymore, exams and school are over!
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