Just In
for The Pain Inside

7/31/2005 c6 49SleepDontWeep
this is very heavy and full of emotion.. i understand it .. i cant believ her father beated her. u really no how 2 ryt angst... do u feel lyk this? i cant w8 4 a new chapter x love and admiration Gretchen45 x o and plz o plz review my story 'Quartz sight' dea;s with suicide and an eating disorder.. plz id love ur opinion.
7/31/2005 c1 SleepDontWeep
i think this a very inventive way of expressing what soo many people have tried to do.. no one can ever explain depression apart from involving the text buk definition but i like this its nitty gritty real and reeks of pain. i cut and i feel this way at times although im not as in love with pain as this person is...im goin 2 read on i think this is pretty amazing xx
1/13/2005 c1 ponychick08
wow, powerful. I really liked your choice of words and that part ababout how no one understands her? (or him) really hit home with me. the paragraph about tears is really choppy, but in a VERY good way. it brings the point across so much better than if it were, like, say, perfectly flowing prose.

About the florida thing. depends on which part you'll be in. good luck with your move. Viggo rules! (even if he's old enough to be my dad)
6/12/2004 c6 rollymc123
Oh, god. That was so creepy.
I'm at a loss for words.
And I'm not usually.
5/30/2004 c6 35Infinity Plus One
Good chapter. Compelling. Honestly great, well done, I really hope that the next chapter is coming soon *adds you to my author alert list*. This is probably still PG-13 as over 13s should be able to take it. Should be able to, I add. If it gets any more graphic, then R would be good.
5/26/2004 c6 4lionhearte
hey, keep up th gud work, im really enjoying it! god, i kno how kira feels!
5/25/2004 c6 WritingWeirdo
Good job so far! Please write more!
5/9/2004 c5 35Infinity Plus One
My computer has the Sasser virus and today I'm lucky enough to have access to the internet, but its not always good thanks to the Sasser virus. Fictionpress thinks that I have already reviewed ch.4, which I haven't, so here's the review for ch.4:
Kira's dad is a bastard for falling in love with such a woman. Its not because of her age, its the woman's babyish attitude. I think Kira's poems are well-written. It is true indeed that she has gone through a hell of a lot more than the other people in her class. I'm assuming that most of the girls in her class are preps? I have a site (I'm not sure if it will come up in the review, due to spam blocking): w.deathtopreps.tk . The URL says it all.
Review for ch.5:
So... A drugs and alcohol party, making out with a boy when she's drunk. This can't be good. It will all end in tears... It was wise of Kira not to have sex with him in the end. And then her mum finds out that she has gone to a party and has drank several cans of alcohol. Great.
Good story so far, the chapters stop here, so I'll wait until you update. In the meantime, you're going on my favourite stories list.
5/9/2004 c3 Infinity Plus One
Kira was definately a different person before her change, a very different person. I despise pink.
"Today is Friday"
I wonder what's happening... Good chapter, I'm going to read the next one even though I am meant to be typing up my German vocabulary.
5/9/2004 c2 Infinity Plus One
Good chapter here. Evidently Kira's having a hard time. Jason seems ok, but maybe he's trying too hard. I hate preps, they're bitches.
5/9/2004 c4 Infinity Plus One
This chapter sounds interesting. It signifies that angst is on the way, but I like most angst stories, so that is fine by me. By the way, you can receive more reviews by allowing annonymous reviews. Look in your account settings.
4/30/2004 c4 12Zeero Angelfall
Hm...although I don't normally read stories in this genre, I must say that this one is pretty good. I think that the characterization is good, as is the plot. I also like how you are slowly giving us information about Kira's past, rather than just blurting it all out. That does make the story more interesting. I also like the poems in chapter three, those are very good. So, yes, I do like this story, and I will eagerly await an update.
4/11/2004 c3 6L neils
this is shaping up to be an ace story. update soon, i want to know what happens... does Kira kill Sandy? :)
4/11/2004 c1 10DarkSorceress
This seems very much like poetry. I can't say much right now because I have my sister on my lap reading everything I saw.
Anyways, thank you for your review, and if you really care I will be updating today.
3/25/2004 c1 1hungryforblood
wow! Are you sure you're only fourteen? This is incredible. It's insane! Great job, I'll be looking forward to more chapters and your other stories.
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