Just In
for Wanderer

10/23/2004 c2 Koriaena
O.o is there something strange about dark eyes? *glares* i have dark eyes! _ do the "" thingys around little sister mean she's not really his little sister? o.O eep! a scawy figure at the door! ^_^ O.O paranoia... ^
10/23/2004 c1 Koriaena
oh! ^_^ it finally worked! *cheers* oh... creepy girls... amusing... ^_^ pretty cool ... imagery? is that a word? the word? whatever? O.o brainlessness... *wonders who you is* ^
10/21/2004 c2 5AketA
... -.- I'm still wondering what makes you think I even write kinda good... no damn way I'D be able to pick this apart and make it batter a little bit! I like it! ^^ Do you have this other side that writes? Cause I do recognize this as your writing, the humor is for school and fan fiction, right? I like these serious stories! =^^= Its a shame I can't write them... -.-"
2/26/2004 c1 42Snake-Eyez-The-Great
OOh, excellent! Sent shivers down my spine when I read that last line! Thanks for all the reviews, especially your most recent :)
2/25/2004 c1 8LegolasGreenleaf434
Amazing! This is really good, if you are going to write more chapters please do!
2/25/2004 c1 19Sytenir Antoralon
O! Nice... It's so shivery, so to speak. Pretty...
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