Just In
for First True Love

12/23/2005 c1 lady luck
A drabble is exactly 100 words no more no less. Some are more lax and are 200 words {double drabble} but 99% of drabbles are only 100 words. People just don't know the real definition. This is not a drabble.
3/6/2004 c1 Our Behemoth
This is Waffle. :3 RUU
:D WHY DIDN'T JOO TELL ME OF THIS STORY. *looks at date* RUU Three days ago!
Seriously Mar...You are an extraordinary writer. That's why I look up to you, and try to go to you for advice when trying to write something, because I know you don't make stupid shiznit like other people around here do.
This story has got me interested about Hudson and Seth's relationship. XD RUU I didn't know you wanted to slash them. MORE CONTENT FOR THE STORY. At least now, if some girl character comes around, I won't be like 'BOH', but instead, I'll be like, BACK OFF WHORE HE'S TAKEN
...Wtf. XD! But anyway, I like how you made the guitar sort of represent Seth's sort of parental figure or as something that could both be a gift or weapon against himself. Blehe, I like little story-things like this. CONTINUE YOUR STOREH! The Waffle shall be waiting and eating her fellow classmates at school in the meantime. :3
3/5/2004 c1 1Hobbitch
Great detail and flow of the language. Interesting metaphors. The piece actually touches you. Muy bueno.
3/5/2004 c1 Silbermond
"Music was my first love / and it will be my last..."
Well, hopefully not Seth's last. Do I make any sense?
Anyway, I loved your writing style and your use of metaphors. Great work, I think I have to read your story now...
3/4/2004 c1 2BLARGH00000009
Sometimes it sort of seems lighthearted, then it's more serious, then it's lighthearted again. . . that's so perfect to display the emotions that Seth is going through. And the last sentence summed it all up so beautifully. You're an incredibly talented author.

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