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for Take Me From This Pain, Brian's story

12/7/2021 c40 Scott Z
I really appreciated the theme of kindness and respect. Thank you!
5/28/2016 c36 Brian
Esquirella , i didn't know i could comment unless i signed up or i would have commented 36 chapters ago... u are so awesome... i love that this is about all the relationships and love and taking care of each other... most of the stories on other sites are so all about sex and read like a bad porn flick... you are so gifted... whatever criticism you have received is pure jealousy and trolling... only thing i wasn't into in this whole story was the wedding dress thing, and that was like 3 sentences... will be reading anything else i can, written by you. your husband must be so proud of you... you can't write this kind of story without being a great guy with an awesome heart... thanks for such a positive story that brings out the best in people... peace, brian
5/28/2016 c38 Guest
2/9/2015 c40 northbenders
O.K. Esq., I' ve just read the whole story line, and just want to say that you you need to re-edit the story for only one reason, chapter 26, belongs here, and the rest need to be just tightened up; it's a great story, with a lot to give to others about love, loyalty, trust and not being bullies...which we all can do if we aren't careful. But more its about the healing power of love, and unconditional acceptance. So many people go into relationships with the idea if only they change this this for me...when in actually fact, you need to just accept, and enjoy and love...Thanks for writing such a great story...hope that you continue to write many more...
12/27/2014 c40 just a fan
Speechless..but in a good way. This story is amazing and every character's fantastic! BTW I really feel like straggling Gary.
11/21/2014 c40 Kirito
Amazingly brilliant and wonderful. I am completely and utterly in love with this story. I beg you, please, would you allow me to translate this and the Kevin's story part? I am sure that the Hungarian readers would love this too. Please. (kirigaya{dot}kirito2022{at}gmail{dot}com)

8/11/2014 c40 LadyBLiterature
I kept reading after that review I left at 3:30... it's now five am. Yay me! Now I'm going to get some sleep, five hours maybe. :-)
8/11/2014 c21 LadyBLiterature
Holy shit, it's 3:30 am! I have to go to bed... :( I wanna keep reading. If that's not proof that this is a damn amazing book, I don't know what is.
8/10/2014 c9 Girlie
SOMEONE FLAMED THIS?! Wow... This is practically one of the best books I've ever read so far! Ok, back to reading it! :)
5/12/2014 c40 Karlie
Hey:) My gay best friend made me read this and I'm SO glad he did! I wasn't sure about this at first like "I love gays and stuff but idk about the stories about them". But you made me fall in love! I read this whole thing in about 2 days, one of them being a school day too. I have a very best friend who has been through similar events but she's bi and I even saved her life (which I didn't know until later). But this story has inspired me and made me want a guy who takes care of me like Matt takes care of Brian and a relationship that isn't one sided. Even though I am straight I have learned so much about myself and my relationships by reading your amazingly inspiring story. Thank you so much! Keep using your gift (Seriously though, I'd read your books if you became a forreal writer!)!:)
4/5/2014 c40 Guest
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2/8/2014 c1 1k reviews
999 let's make it a thousand!
2/8/2014 c38 Guest
i love your storys:)
10/11/2013 c1 serwaverider
This is the start of my fifth read through this story, and I have read the others in this series. They are very very good. Love and redemption and humor, a great combination.
10/5/2013 c40 siwren1
I love your story. It rocks. Thank you for a supportive Lgbtq story!
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