Just In
for pacific

5/24/2004 c1 58floorcollision
i love this poem- and most of your other pieces too!
off to continue r&r-ing!:)
4/10/2004 c1 5redrussianscorpion
"He asks me if coral is a color,
And I tell him to imagine love at sixteen"
Yes, haven't we all?
this lie I feel exzemplifies this bit, your exploration of a more shy, quiet, uncomprimised love of types is nice, and thankfully, not too "poetic".
3/19/2004 c1 Diana
I can't remember if you posted this at dA but I love it regardless.
If I could be bothered to sign in, I would add to my faves. I will have to do it later! :)
3/13/2004 c1 vers le sud
Beautiful narration. Reminds me of e.e. cummings, yet evokes emotion more effectively. Truly talented! Keep up the brilliant work.
3/13/2004 c1 Kez
*sniffles* so sad, -teasing-. I loved verse 5: "He asks me if coral is a color,
And I tell him to imagine love at sixteen," and also the constant reminders of the gray ocean, and no (perhaps rising?) sun.

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