Just In
for I tasted Mississippi Sky

1/8/2005 c5 sarah
this is such a sweet story! PLEASE PLEASE update soon!1
11/23/2004 c4 Ellie Mae
I would like to ask where you are getting all of this information for Mississippi. I'll have you know that we are not rednecks that talk like that. Yankees think they know everything.
9/24/2004 c3 Nina Bruja who's too lazy to sign in
I hope you continue this, and soon. I've been waiting forever for an update!
5/29/2004 c2 WarriorHeart
It has been SO long! I enjoyed this chapter, it was kinda weird though cause as a reader you don't know what's going on yet. PLEASE, PLEASE UPDATE SOON!
5/28/2004 c1 219S Noelle Long
Oh my God. This story is so gorgeous. I seriously could not stop reading it. Is there going to be anymore to it?
The only criticism I have is that there are some spelling errors and I'm anal about correct capital letters and puncuation, but otherwise, this story was perfect. The voice is strong and solid, and I love how you make sure people hear her accent. (I'm a pure sucker for Southern accents, lemme tell you.)
Anyway, I wanted to thank you for reviewing my poem "Car Crash Stare", and I did check out the song at your suggestion. I like it very much. Thank you. :D
5/16/2004 c1 1Lady-Lorrianna
Really good! I love the dialouge!
3/13/2004 c1 1Shalea
Very good start. I really liked it. Hurry up!
3/13/2004 c1 WarriorHeart
This was really good. I'm enjoying the subect matter and the characters a lot. I can't wait for the next chapter; update soon!

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