Just In
for Two Worlds

9/21/2008 c2 Night-Rayne
wow this story is also pretty interesting , I wonder what will happen to Aine now...
10/4/2007 c2 fatso17
are you to leave this sobbing reader all alone without another morsel of writing to devour? not even a scrap, a rough draft? oh woe is me! pity me! give me more!
3/14/2006 c2 Grave At.tention
So far it's been great so please continue! i'm hoping soon you'll get a sudden urge and continue with this story! i'm already in love with it and there is only two chapters!

Please update!
3/14/2006 c2 meechiyel
would you mind continuing this story? It sounds very intersting and I've been dying to know what happens.Meechiyel
1/24/2006 c2 1pplofthewrldeatcheese
great story! please continue! i love that you have this idea.. its such original from the other stuff ive read. My name is Aine! so its kinda hard to resist when tour name (especially a unique one like *mine* (lol) is used in a story) Aine was also the name for the Celtic Goddess of love and beauty. UPDATE ASAP!
10/9/2005 c2 Anne
This is a fabulous story!You must continue!Please update soon!Thanks!
8/21/2005 c2 10Kairi-21
this is a great chapter. Why dont you finish the story..PLEASE! its good so far.. i like how it is writen..please continue soon. ty...
4/9/2005 c2 1Nerdette
Oh my what a cliffhanger...I like the mesh of fantasy and Scottish background. I hope you update soon...
3/14/2005 c2 Crimson-Angel21
I've been reading your story WildFire and have been enjoying it so I decided to check out some other work you have done, and I like this story a lot as well! Keep up the great work!

9/7/2004 c2 2No Life
I see you started this story around the time you stopped updating on Wild Fire finish this one and update soon but please go back and update on the other one too
8/26/2004 c2 73aims80
Very interesting so far. I think sometimes the stories that come to us in dreams or strange moments are often the best. Not having the entire thing planned out can be a good thing.
8/19/2004 c2 Zackire
what the hell indeed... a changeling eh? oh yeah by the way, when ARE you gonna your other story.. the one that you have been neglecting for quite sometime... Wild fire.. when are you updating?
8/18/2004 c2 10Blade Griffin
*bounces up and down happily* YAY! I was wondering just a few days when you were gonna work on this! I have to say you did a wonderful job on the first chapter.
I do have to say is it just for her people the green/gold eyes are unusual? Cause for the actual eye color like that it comes from the british isle... *knows cause i have that eye color*
8/18/2004 c2 Peg Pannery
The first two chapters are really good. I'm interested to see what kind of story this becomes. Write more soon!
5/12/2004 c1 Zackire
A FEY HYBRID IS IT? sorry for the caps... its a good story... very good start.. can you update this and wild fire faster?
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