Just In
for All Play and No Work

10/6/2007 c25 notreal17
when I'm 64 like the Beatles song! lol i love that song! anyway i just read your story it was so good! i loved it!
10/5/2007 c25 1dawn's unforgiving darkness
loved it
10/5/2007 c25 7Randomisation
gr8 congrats!
10/5/2007 c25 10Jaz108
Thanks for finishing =) I've been reading this story since I was sixteen and now I'm nineteen.. Feels kinda weird that it's over even though I'd semi-forgotten it each time I got a update-mail.
10/5/2007 c25 chocolatechipash
hey, great story really well done for finishing it and putting so much effort into updating and all that. there was a few things that bothered me though

i thought the cancer was very unrealistic because it went away quickly and i thought u couldve made that really bad and made her troubled and all and shown more on how she cant function without him and stuff and maybe had him die in his sleep towards the end.

also if u were to redo it i would suggest more jealousy, maybe his overseas girlfriend or something would have been nice to read about.

good character development of blair as well and it was good to read a story that included small details although you could prob work on how other people were feeling more like johnny and licia to make us empathise with blair more

congrats on skow and hope to read more of ur writing in the future

rock on!
10/4/2007 c25 16Midge-The-Hopeless-Romantic
awesome story, amazingly written


one of my all time faves
10/4/2007 c25 fuckoff fictionpress wish to d

a story well done


10/4/2007 c25 2simplicity is complex
AH. epilogue? ._. please?

what were her results. more details about matt and pippa O_O

sequel? *big big eyes* D:

nice chapter anyway
10/3/2007 c25 5thoughtsofwisdom
That was really sweet. I can't believe this story's over either. Matt and Pippa finding each other through all that Drama. Whatever happened to that friend they had who they couldn't contact for a while and he was sick too I think? Epilogue maybe?
10/3/2007 c25 Raging Libra
Yay! He's not dying!...well, not any faster than usual.

A bit sorry that it's over, but it's about time. ;)

Good ending too. Post an author's note if you start another story!
10/3/2007 c25 3Queen Of Laughs
loved it!

10/3/2007 c25 8Serenity Marie
Hey! Of course I remember you! One of my all time favorite story and one of my favorite author’s! (Probably because you’re such a great writer and the same age as I am, I started reading your story way, way back near the beginning—I just never bothered to review back then X.x)

Anyway—as to my cat, he managed NOT to go tumbling off the bed this time! Mostly because I got your review response before I saw you updated and I managed to not squel. I can not actually say my other cat is so wonderful—(1 year old kittenish creature*…new kitty and not used to my sounds of joy when receiving a fp email)—so at the end of the chapter and it ended to unbelievably awesome, I did a happy dance. My (creative) dance involved a lot of bouncing on my bed with joy which startled the kittenish creature so she attempted to sit up, and being the klutzy kittenish creature she is rolled off the bed. The oldfart of a kitty (the one updates usually startle off the bed) sat there and looked mighty gloaty at the kittenish creature.

It makes me sad I won’t be able to do these awesome reviews for your story anymore! I guess I never read your other story…could do that… Mebe I will. Or you could get another ingenious story for me to be obsessive about!

Anyway, I lurvles your story-I really do-It’s a great story and you are so talented. This story is probably a big part of your life….and I’m glad you shared it.


* Kittenish creature: Old enough not to technically considered a kitten but still acts and plays like a kitten…and is full size with sharp claws and the wonderful klutzyness

P.S. Gonna write an epilogue? Hm? Or even a sequel? O! I vote sequel…I’m sure you could come up with a great idea for it if you decide to do it…Maybe could give some of the other characters (the less main ones) a happy ending! Just an idea of course, like Licia or something…I’m sure my kitty-cats would love another story from you…I haven’t scared all of them off the bed yet scared 2 and I have 3. The last one might feel left out if he doesn’t get his turn =^-^=
10/2/2007 c25 3stanhops
I've had faith in this story since the beginning and I'm so glad it's complete now, and the ending was just right. Congrats on this work. I hope it will merely be the first of many writing endeavors for you!
10/2/2007 c25 5Vineta
This story was fantastic. I first read it like 2 years ago, and had thought it was abandoned. I was so excited to find it completed today. I love it!
10/2/2007 c25 OoohLookACat

that was...

such an awesome ending

it wasn't too dramatic

or unrealistic

it was just right

i loved every minute of the story

it's on my favourites :)

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