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for How To Get A Guy To Notice You

10/1/2007 c1 45Sendo1920
Hah! Brilliant! Mademe chuckle like a maniac, and my dad asked me if I was going to combust. Hehe. Write on!
5/21/2006 c1 15Kawaii Chibi Kitty Angel
*snorting uncontrollably* I love it. Oh my Lord, I love it. XD
4/29/2006 c1 6FuzzyGrapes
lol! I especially loved step 5: Where to take your loser. This is funny ... maybe it'll help me ...
3/19/2006 c1 35writingonpaperx
I freakin love your essays, they rock.. Add more ;) Do more ;)
12/15/2005 c1 eternalnemesis

Good job! I thought step two was the funniest...

Heh, this seemed like it could've been found in a beauty magazine...
10/28/2005 c1 6Toni Berthelette
LOL! haha this was really funny =)

10/1/2005 c1 AVDA
I see things binary, in ones and zeros. Therefore, if you don't take your part in condemning raptor... lol.
9/28/2005 c1 Olivia
This is actually pretty hilarious. *Skips away, not offended*
9/27/2005 c1 8ValkyrieRavenfeather
9/12/2005 c1 Charity F
tee hee...very nice...i like your style, and your approach to this was very funny, and didn't turn out lame as it would have if i tried it out...its nice to read something different once in a while...congratulations! luvya!


PS Thanks for reviewing me...made me feel special...^^
7/31/2005 c1 StoryJunkie
Love your style
4/21/2005 c1 3lolz01
You know what? I think I'm going to to the version "How to get a girl to notice you" as I have met a lot of clueless guys who think that groping your hips and staring at your boobs...is romantic.

I loved it though! :-)
3/5/2005 c1 18ta1nt3d1uv
hahaha I love it! What grade did you get on it anyway?
1/5/2005 c1 Tall Boy
Very good, but im a guy, its easy to get me, just ask me!

Any chance you fancy taking a crack at "how to get a girl to notice you?" to help us guys out too?
12/30/2004 c1 9rotted reverie
So THAT'S why I can't get a guy...

That was hilarious. Maybe I'd take your advice if I wasn't so desperate to REMAIN single.

Celibacy is your friend...^_^
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