Just In
for Distant

3/15/2005 c1 26inspiredisia
congratulations! (Y) i hope that you are referring to not being able to live with a broken heart, cuz that's whay i understood. anyways, i should read your poetry and post more in order to review...
2/12/2005 c1 2inconsequential me
Bah, I REALLY like this. I've been trying to work on my nonexistant poetry skills, and it's definitely given me a better appreciation for those who can write as well as you do. I liked the pessimistic tone, but the ultimate, optimistic conclusion. It's not a big deal, but i thought i'd let you know, that in the third line from the end, "since life's way to short to be pissed away"... to should be too. No big deal, but I know some people are really meticulous. Otherwise, extremely great writing. kudos.
4/12/2004 c1 219Matthew James Current
Well written. It's very cool how you've left the meaning open to interpretation. Only constructive criticism I have is that perhaps this could be tweaked/corrected? "Good reason or does not come into play." Or seems like it perhaps could be taken out. In any case I enjoyed this poem.
4/1/2004 c1 43lronMaiden
wow...from the very first line i was hooked. excellent rhyming and rhythm...excellent poem and everything. it's very versatile, u could take it to mean almost anything!
keep writing.
ps. read some of my work if you get the time, or if you want to.

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