Just In
for Broken Hearted

5/28/2004 c1 11Jez-Arinn
wow... in three short lines we have both empathy and analogy. ^^
a genius piece!
(hearts should not be broken~) **
4/8/2004 c1 39Sakura163
That's a great haiku!
4/5/2004 c1 9imxnotxyourxstar
I liked this, the idea of the broken window symbolizing a broken heart was good. Nice job!
4/4/2004 c1 138Lina Inverse
I like the second line. I can picture the broken windows shattering very well
4/4/2004 c1 99Myra Kilgore
aw!...I know what you're trying to say in this...I've felt the same from time to time. This is great! Keep Writing!-KS

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