8/28/2004 c1
3Stranger Than Fiction
Very interesting.
(and each trip was substantial, I’ll have you know, for he wasn’t just pacing across the living room and back, but across all of Existence)
I loved that little piece of the story way too much.
I wrote something similar to this once, for a fantasy story, but I don't plan on putting it on FP. I'm hoping that one day I'll get past the prologue (creation of the universe, world, blahblah) and write the book. Assuming I get published. ^^;

Very interesting.
(and each trip was substantial, I’ll have you know, for he wasn’t just pacing across the living room and back, but across all of Existence)
I loved that little piece of the story way too much.
I wrote something similar to this once, for a fantasy story, but I don't plan on putting it on FP. I'm hoping that one day I'll get past the prologue (creation of the universe, world, blahblah) and write the book. Assuming I get published. ^^;
6/29/2004 c1
a good story. i liked the part where he turned but didn't. he moved the universe and not himself, such power!

a good story. i liked the part where he turned but didn't. he moved the universe and not himself, such power!
6/27/2004 c1
3Storm Karstark
Thanks for reviewing my fanfic; did you read the Etymology, perchance? Shows you what kind of research I put myself through...
I have a bunch of friends who like to come up with ideas like this; I have to say, this is the most creative. I wasn't offended! Yay!

Thanks for reviewing my fanfic; did you read the Etymology, perchance? Shows you what kind of research I put myself through...
I have a bunch of friends who like to come up with ideas like this; I have to say, this is the most creative. I wasn't offended! Yay!
4/11/2004 c1
48Silent Laughter
Ooh. deep. That was really, really good... great idea, too. ^^

Ooh. deep. That was really, really good... great idea, too. ^^
4/7/2004 c1
Wow. Interesting POV. That is so wonderful! It's allegorical, and wonderfully... something. I can't quite describe it. But it was great. Five thousand years from now, someone will discover this and start the cult of Rigolei... That would be funny. Anyway, that was interesting. Very, very good, I loved the beginning as well, that was nice. But by far my favorite was when you started talking about the different names they called Rigolei. That was great. I'd like to know more. Like, how did the people's prayers to Rigolei stop, and why? And it also inspires some philosophical questioning. That was great. Divine even. (Okay, that wasn't all that funny... yeah, it was intended to be, oh well) Great job. Quite an interesting notion you've got there. It wonderful to see a different point of view on religion. Wonderful. Wow, wow, wow. Great job.

Wow. Interesting POV. That is so wonderful! It's allegorical, and wonderfully... something. I can't quite describe it. But it was great. Five thousand years from now, someone will discover this and start the cult of Rigolei... That would be funny. Anyway, that was interesting. Very, very good, I loved the beginning as well, that was nice. But by far my favorite was when you started talking about the different names they called Rigolei. That was great. I'd like to know more. Like, how did the people's prayers to Rigolei stop, and why? And it also inspires some philosophical questioning. That was great. Divine even. (Okay, that wasn't all that funny... yeah, it was intended to be, oh well) Great job. Quite an interesting notion you've got there. It wonderful to see a different point of view on religion. Wonderful. Wow, wow, wow. Great job.