Just In
for Pride Before a Fall

7/3/2004 c7 108Kirona of the skies
^_^ Yay! I knew that would happen eventually. Still makes me feel all sappy, though. I'm such a sucker for romance. XD Very well written chapter. Write on, my friend! ^_~
6/30/2004 c8 1Vincenza
You must write more soon. Um, the oldest daughter is 11. And Dr. Loren is around 21 so did he have the child at 10?
6/28/2004 c8 abcdefgh12
Sounds like a cool birthday party! I wish mine lasted that long. Awesome job on the writing and detail, you seem to have Susanna's voice down perfectly. Update soon!
6/27/2004 c8 PhiloNysh
That is so sweet! Update soon!
6/23/2004 c7 PhiloNysh
Still going really weel. Update soon!
6/21/2004 c6 7lost in my box
I'm so happy you started another sory after Spinning Yarns. This is very good so far. I adore Rain, the way she just barges into other people's homes.
6/21/2004 c1 Chantilly Lace
Hey! You've reviewed my story so often, I decided to check out some of your work. ;)
I don't have time to read the whole thing right now, but I must say, I'm enjoying it so far. :D
You have a very nice writing style. Is first person difficult to write for you? I'm asking because it is for me sometimes. I'll edit a chapter and notice I've stuck in a "she walked up to him" or something like that, lol.
6/17/2004 c5 108Kirona of the skies
o_O Wow. Rain was sort of...random. V. strange how you had her just barge in like that. Interesting...not sure if I like it or not. XD Me and my undeciding mind. Good chapter nevertheless! ^_~
6/17/2004 c5 PhiloNysh
This is really good so far, I'd like to see what happens. Update soon!
6/14/2004 c4 Kirona of the skies
Whaa? She pulled away? NO! *sobs* Oh well. I'll survive. I think. I'm sure there'll be a similar situation in the future of this story. ^_~
6/11/2004 c4 abcdefgh12
Good job old friend! The kids are absolutely adorable, but I don't know about the dad...Update soon!
6/10/2004 c3 Kirona of the skies
Aww! Poor Megan! =( Very interesting chapter. ContinuecontinueCONTINUE! ^_^
6/6/2004 c3 abcdefgh12
M, I have a feeling Mami's gonna want to set Susanna up with this doctor fellow. Good job on this chapter, update update update!
6/4/2004 c2 Kirona of the skies
Wow! What an interesting story! Hopefully I'll find time to read your other story, the one with 114 reviews. o_O Must be good. *makes mental note to self* But really, this one has got potential. Keep it up! ^_~
6/4/2004 c1 abcdefgh12
Yay yay yay! Another story to quench my thirst...for stories. Uh yeah, I really love this so far. I can picture everything the descriptions are amazing. I like Susanna's perspective a lot. Update soon!
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