Just In
for Guilt and Penitence

8/28/2004 c1 3Stranger Than Fiction
Very very nice. I, myself, am a weak atheist. (Weak atheist meaning I don't believe in god, but if I were given very very good proof...) Very nice. And yes, I do know I'm repeating myself. I jsut don't know what else to say. ;)
4/11/2004 c1 48Silent Laughter
This was great. I know a lot of people who feel this way... ^^ the emotion was powerful, and as bitter as usual. ^^ the last line was great, yet again. ^^
4/8/2004 c1 74LordK
That's good... wow. Nicely worded. Very nice. Sorry your parents don't trust you. It's bothersome. You captured your emotion powerfully on the page. That's incredible admirable. Wow.
4/7/2004 c1 58floorcollision

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