Just In
for Meditation on the Seven Last Words of Jesus Christ

6/22/2006 c9 5C.F. Anne
This is so inspiring. I'm a Baptist, and i really believe through you're writing that you really are a woman of God, despite religious differences. Continue writing, and God bless.
2/2/2006 c1 Jeng Dungca
Very interesting. This is what strikes me the most: "You could not truly say that you have an intimate relationship with Him until you can truly see Him through the face of your fiercest and most hated enemies."

Very true. Such an inspiration to love the unloveable not only during Lent but as long as wer have breathe.
5/28/2005 c9 2RogueAuthoress
Thank God I found this.

For months now, I've been thirsting, literally THIRSTING for something, ANYTHING, that would give me that spritual boost. I have been doing everything I could participate in at my church, but it wasn't enough.

God has His ways, doesn't he?

Wow. I just can't put it into words. The only reason I didn't burst into tears of joy at this last chapter was because I hate to let my family see me cry. It's a curse, I know.

The only thing left to say is this:

Thank you.
3/21/2005 c1 SunsetFire
Hey! I would guess by this your Catholic? Am I right? If so reply in Fallen's reviews, I don't mind..
6/14/2004 c2 Sorcha Jade
Beautiful chapter. You're right. It does hit home. I tried to email you but it didn't work. so you can email me. '' and just ask those questions. I was inspirationless for this story for a while but now I'm back into the planning stages. thanks so much for your support! GBU
4/13/2004 c1 2Sorcha Jade
Hey, I have not yet read this, but I saw JC's name and was like...yay! I'm a fairly new Christian and I want you to know that when I have more time I'm going to sit down and read this carefully. I'm also writing a love story about God's role in changing a pretty promiscuous woman's life. It's called Reborn. Right now, God is not very evident. But if you could read it, maybe tell me how to more subtly work God in or whatever you think that would be great. God Bless You and your writing.

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