Just In
for Misinterpreted Love

11/2/2005 c3 20sloppy firsts
this is beautiful written and just plain brilliant
10/29/2005 c3 4somethingsup
Yay! An update! I've been reading this I just haven't reviewed till now. lol

Lovin it.
9/29/2005 c3 7sketchingaCYNiC
Oh! Very interesting story. =] I hate cliffies, though! You're absolutely evil! XD Hmm... I think I already forot her name. o.o; whoops. anywho, update soon!
9/28/2005 c3 2scenicmoods
i was just looking through what had updated and then i saw your story. you can guess who i am. i'll give you a clue ...firebird!..ahem anyway your story is good. i find it so amusing ... you writing in old english and what is with that latin passage you put in... doing fine little laura...bye!
9/28/2005 c3 51bangbangstartagain
hey. good work so far. i like it and want to see where youre going with this
9/28/2005 c3 funky peaches
muahahahaha...i'd sign in but you know...

meh :D

you stayed in your historical context throughout this chapter!

AND woot woot finally woman, you freaking update :D very good!

ahahaha, yeh man, this story is drifting from your ahem *original* plans. but nevertheless, it's very well written :)

muahahaha, is celeste still moulded from yours truly *ahem* the gorgeous moi? puahaha. i'm such a loser.

anyway, I liked this chapter. YAY for francis :D monkey boys rocks my jocks...er...herm...:)

yes yes, do update and stop procrastinating. :)

MWAH MWAH. i do "love" you too :b ahaha ...yeh...

**lameass is me**

alrighteo, i should also mention that i have some 20 pages or so for you to sift through and edit. mwa.

xox funky peaches ^^ AKA nat AKA the absolutely fabulous friend whom you moulded your incredibily FUNNY and WITTY character from.

...that must mean I'M FUNNY and WITTY! AHAHAHA! ... no? what a shame :(
9/27/2005 c3 6c4rm3n
She had just tripped over a rock and fallen into the pond. Was I just supposed to watch her?

HAHAHA! That is a FANTABULOUS line, dearest. Very funny, aww poor Celeste.

I hate spiders ::shuders::

Great chapter!

Update again.


9/27/2005 c2 writtenreality
AHHAHAHA she fell into a pond.. Did you base that no a live experience?

I could see it happening.

Huh, I like Will, Francis I'm not sure about.

Update. Soon.
9/9/2005 c2 7Salt and Vinegar Pringles
I REALLY WAS INTERESTED in finding out who she saw... You know, I have my suspicions...and I can't check em out to see if they're right because there aint another chapter... oh i long for one! Great job though, have a good one..
8/5/2005 c1 9ice flyer
good first chapter! i like the plot, and she seems like a very funny character. i found one little mistake: "I was proven deeply wronged." It should be "wrong." Also, Katie says "pain is beauty." i think the expression is "beauty is pain." anyway, aside from those minor things, it's very nice! good job :)
7/14/2005 c2 11Enigmatic Huntress
Cel is funny. In a clumsy way. She's like the new Bridge Jones. But more interesting. Will seems nice and playful. His mother annoys me though. Aside from the historical thing(that gets a bit out of context at times but you have already explained and it is hard to research different time periods) this is good. Want to learn more about Frans character and get a better grasp of what he is like so hope you haven't quit this story. Btw if the whole pond thing really is a true story I feel sorry for your friend. I thought I did blush inducing things! Luv Kaitx
6/20/2005 c2 1Infinite Abyss
This is pretty good. Add the next chapter soon.
4/27/2005 c1 andalie anh
OMG! It's such a great beginning! PLease Keep Updating, Don't tell me you've stopped writing, since you haven't seemed to update for along time. AH! The three characters are so col! I'm in love with them! Celeste is so WAH! Please keep writing...yahh [psychadelic mishap!]haha
4/20/2005 c2 6merely me
HAHAH! I LOVE Celeste! She is such a funny, witty, creative character. I think you're are beginning to develop her very well. I'm enjoying the story very much, and I'll be waiting for you to update. The pond accident, was very very very funny. LOL, oh terrible, I'd be so embrassed... lol, and I can just guess who the man at the end is, asking her if she's alright? Good chapter... keep posting!Merely Me...
4/20/2005 c1 merely me
HEYHEY! Saw your post on Assassin of Kevari, and decided to check out your story. I like where it's going. I like the character, she's a bit... well... funny. But interesting none the less. Now, you asked for a bit of C/C and I'm going to do that, I hope you don't mind b/c I really do like your story and I think you have something good... Ne-ways.You said in the story she is 35 but yet you refer to her as a girl? Usually in those times girls would be married and with like 10 hundred children by the age of 14... haha... poor things. So, for the benefit of your story I think she should be a little younger. Maybe 17ish? I dunno... Also, you might try to keep all her thought together instead of spacing them out so much. Ex. When you have her thought on one line, and then you skip a line to finish it. I see what effect you're trying to use, but I (as a reader) find it easy to read when the character's thoughts are all together, and not seperated by spaces. But enought of my c/c... Again I really liked this story. And I just wanted to say I'm a fan of the Loiness series as well and it's so nice to find someone who has read it. If you're interested please check out some of my stories!
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