Just In
for A Change of Thought

8/28/2004 c1 3Stranger Than Fiction
Very nice.
"My logic has been taken, perchance stolen by a fae"
That made me smile. I also really liked the ending.
4/11/2004 c1 48Silent Laughter
Hmm... this one was great, too. It was a bit different than usual. it seemed a bit disjointed, but there was anger there, yet. once again, it seems to have a lot of alike emotions, as though it encompasses everyone at one time in their lives. nice...
4/9/2004 c1 58floorcollision
EXCELLENT... i don't do rhyming well but this kicked ass- great job, pal.
4/9/2004 c1 89lalamushu
awesome poem. keep up the good work

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