Just In
for If I'm Lucky

8/28/2004 c1 3Stranger Than Fiction
I relate to this. Very well written. As much as I liked the other ones so far, I think this is my favorite, what with relating so well.
7/14/2004 c1 14Marla Mae
You are lucky, I just read it. And I do know someone who cares, more than I do.
I like the "shelter" you create in your work when you are at your keyboard.
~Marla Mae
6/30/2004 c1 115C.A. Servellon
Luck is the lifeblood of the Art.
It runs like blood and fuels flames of passion. Luck is what you call 'talent' when you don't believe. All it is, is what YOU make it out to be.
Thanks for sharing this wonderful reflection, and lots of TALENT to you.
6/28/2004 c1 50your guilty pleasure
OMG! I feel the exact same way... that poem really conveyed your message. good job- I love your writing^^
4/22/2004 c1 48Morcirith
Two words: Computerholics Anonymous
4/22/2004 c1 22Loki Mischeif-Maker
Bad Poetry? You think you write bad poetry?

This at least, is not a bad poem. Very emotional, and I liked it, though I hardly feel qualified to comment further on poetry, seeing as mine is so bad.

I'm sorry to miss the rest of Fate of Chance, but I don't blame you at all for taking it down . . .

4/11/2004 c1 48Silent Laughter
Bad poetry? I think not! But this was very metaphorical, but it fit very nicely. you are lucky! I review! so do a lot of other people... but still. ^^
4/10/2004 c1 thjdnysy
It seems to me that poetry comes naturally to you as you "type," shut in your room. Good Job!
4/10/2004 c1 74LordK
First of all... consider yourself VERY lucky, and VERY brilliant. That was so sad... I understand how you feel, and I'm glad, at the very least, that the FP community can offer some support to some degree. But that still doesn't supplant real life, huh? Wonderful... hope that things improve for you... we all go through rough spots... but now I'm preaching. Anyway, wonderful, brilliant poem. Once again, you communicate you're emotions onto a page, like a photographer, capturing something fleeting in something eternal and beautiful. Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful.
4/9/2004 c1 89lalamushu
you're definitely very talented. keep up the good work.
4/9/2004 c1 58floorcollision
you're damned lucky. cuz i love you're work. :)
good poem.
4/9/2004 c1 10trisket-n-gunther
nice job on this! i liked it, it was interesting and enjoyable to read, keep writing! please review me back thanks!

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