Just In
for Frustration

8/28/2004 c1 3Stranger Than Fiction
I especially loved the last line in this one. :D Very very nice.
7/3/2004 c1 31Lily Elise
I loved how you managed to get almost every feeling that one person could feel into this one piece. I loved how you put the truth into every aspect of it without "sugaring it up". the only other thing I can say besides "beautiful", is that when you're reading the lyrics to a song, it's easier to read if it is set in stanzas.
6/28/2004 c1 8PorcelainMachete
I really enjoyed this one. The little chorus thing is really cool in my opinion. I like your stuff. ^_^
4/22/2004 c1 48Morcirith
enthralled is one of my favourite words! I enjoyed how you capitalized 'Life', almost like you could fill something else in its place.
(It's when Socks/Girlfriend/Everyone is meaningless)
4/20/2004 c1 30Twizted-Fate-666
* clings and huggles song * i shall now take thee on a date ! MWAHAHAA ! Dude i'm so hyper x.x...damn fruit loops .
4/11/2004 c1 48Silent Laughter
Which, indeed? well, this one was very good, but not your best. I enjoyed reading the multiple questions, and the ending kind of gave it a slightly humorous edge and nicely tied the questions. good show.
4/11/2004 c1 58floorcollision
i can really relate to these feelings-
i think it's a good poem as far as the ideas go but it's a little rough (just in my opinion- which doesn't mean much)
good though-

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