Just In
for venus flytraps

10/19/2004 c1 do not resuscitate
oh god, this was so beautiful and interesting- just so different from anything i've ever read. stunning work.
8/5/2004 c1 3Another Pseudonym
it went from two lovers strolling in a garden to them being devoured by plants
it's very surreal and very well-written.
5/29/2004 c1 ICU2
very cool
4/30/2004 c1 Fate
What's with this duplicate review person? Hmm?
Lax. Very lax.
But this was lovely. Poem, I mean.
Very sinister and seductive, and pricked with thorns.
Did I not review this before? *curses self, is sure she did*
Oh well. Pretty pretty pretty.
4/28/2004 c1 48Mista Mugs
Great poem. It brought the goosebumps to my arms.
A powerful piece indeed.
4/27/2004 c1 8Kezkay
0oo *shivers* A very feely poem, ne? I liked, "...Explored—pricked and tasted my blood-and-arsenic/
Infusion; curious, hungry, wanting." Many sensations all jumbled together, like good ice cream ^^
4/20/2004 c1 53Impressionist
that's absolutely beautiful. A killer secret garden of sorts...and i love it. :) The use of brackets are perfect. well done.
4/19/2004 c1 70this is britt
This was such a great poem...very transient.
4/17/2004 c1 JohnnyGodfather
Great entry. If I could choose between having all of the wonders of the world revealed before me and reading one more sentence of your entry I would hesitate... and then choose your story.
Your story is like a beam of light coming from the heavens to show us thy christ dost among thou.
R&R My entries. Peace!

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