Just In
for AutoCrucifixion

4/16/2005 c1 3lalalaDUMB
Hm...I liked that. It didn't exactly flow, but that was part of it's charm.

Thanks for reviewing my stuff, much appreciated. And no, not really based on me exactly. Just a bunch of people I know all shoved together.
4/27/2004 c1 28Rionarayne
All I can say is that this is the ultimate form of screwing yourself, literally and figuratively. Interesting...
4/27/2004 c1 Andrew Nerger
I love the idea of being crucified but then going to hell, unlike Jesus which a lot of people think about when they here it. Anyway one day I hope to be as good as you.
4/26/2004 c1 Porcelain glass
Tha one I like, it was very deep.
4/25/2004 c1 7neunundneunzig
Interesting...you know I get all upset when poems don't rhyme...But it was an interesting idea. Provocative, to say the least; for example, the fact that you're getting crucified implies that you've been perceived at one point as a jesus-like figure (a martyr) and then at the end it implies that you basically fucked yourself and thus weren't ever a jesus-like figure. So. Yeah, that's how I saw it.
4/25/2004 c1 20AllThatMatters
Great ending! Very good descriptioon of the pain and everything. P.s. please reveiw us back.
4/25/2004 c1 mary
4/25/2004 c1 Fina
This can be interpreted in numerous ways..suicidal..a feeling that ur choices are doing ur self in somehow...and others..it lets the reader's imagination run free!

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