Just In
for The Winner

7/4/2006 c1 PleaseDeleteThisAccountMods
Actually, This is pretty good. The only thing I would suggest is making your poems a little longer.
1/13/2005 c1 36Silentwriter9
i really liked this one! You did a great job showing how the rider/jockey becomes one with the horse... one tweak: "Her hair a mane" instead maybe "Her hair becomes a mane" or "Her hair, a mane" i personally like "her hair becomes a mane" because it is a 'transformation poem' and becomes is a transforming kinda word! Lol.

Great job. I really enjoyed this piece.

*Silent Writer*
7/18/2004 c1 10Rebecca Kelsey
I used to have a horse, we couldnt afford to keep her anymore and had to sell her when I was little. This really reminds me of her, even though she never raced. Well anyways, great poem.
7/17/2004 c1 54ByFireAndMoonlight
Hm, I assume from the horse's point of view, intersting. nice.
7/8/2004 c1 23confusionlove
Wow, I like this one a lot. The girl transforms flawlessly into the horse. The stanzas change in length but it seems deliberate and fits well. No corrections I can see, this is great.
7/3/2004 c1 71Sang Yu Nung
I thought this was a cool poem- I really liked the POV. At first I thought that the narrator was a person watching the horse race, but then it goes into how she "drowns out all other sounds besides the beating of her hooves"- great description! thnx 4 all the reviews, sorry it took so long for me to get here! write on ^^
6/25/2004 c1 10tarakatty
I like how it tells a story, but maybe it would be more...touching...if your poem had more imotion it it.
6/23/2004 c1 CW-nerd-12
This is good. I think it could use a few more images, what the horse looks like, what the girl looks like, and what the setting looks like. keep writin'!
5/6/2004 c1 5Jinx86
I really like the way you use your picture words. I can actually imagin the gates that you talk about. Keep up the good work.
4/27/2004 c1 55DarkPharaoh1666
kool. i know whats it like to ride a horse i have been doing it for 7 years. this is very well written.

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