Just In
for Brokenly Blissful

8/13/2004 c1 117CovinS
Conflict...the title is an excellent portrayal of the poem. I appreciate the common sense mixed with realism within the piece (i.e., how the narrator feels, but the realistic conclusion she comes to). Well done.
5/20/2004 c1 10laststarinthesky
hey frances. or lauren... got account 2 work! its salma. ignorance is bliss... a little speech day topics there? nice ttyl!
5/13/2004 c1 dreamingofflyingaway
*pats sympathetically* good heavens Frances, we must do something about these irritating affairs of the heart. it honestly does nothing for us ne? *sighs and stares of in a wistful silence* indeed, well, frankly there's just no point, but as we have seen, that conclusion is irrelevant. *ahem* anyway, it's mildly amusing how I manage to compose long reviews from absolutely nothing..yeah, I really really really REALLY really, [okay you get the gist] need to quit it with these emotions, because I have gathered that, well, I'm invisible and nothing's ever going to happen. Therefore, I conclude I need to meet someone oiutside of school that yeah...i dunno *shrug* I should go, this is becoming long, pointless, personal, and have I mentioned personal? *checks* ah, well, who cares...repetition doesn't do anything in many aspects...*cough*
luv ya!
best of luck and happy typing
5/1/2004 c1 7TigHan
speak of the devil! lol. i just sent you an email, and then i get this popup - new email from - story alert! lol. imagine me saying that in a robo-commander voicish... ok. well. this is so good! is this the poem you wanted me to read? is there someone that makes you feel this way? oh, who is it! lol, jk. oky spoky, well if you're still on reply to my email, otherwise je vais te voir demain! je suis excitee! (grr u can't do the little accent thingies on this computer)
4/28/2004 c1 Dreamer Sachiko
I love this poem so much, it almost made me cry. This is also my story, exactly my story. I really love this poem, it said everything I wanted to say. I'm right there. Keep up the good work!

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