6/4/2005 c1 5L. Conks
Wow... That's an excellent piece of writing. It really seems to convey a message- straight forward, yet subtle and hidden at the same time. Personally for me, it's incredibly true and emotional. You're an aspiring poet!
((Heh... I believe you once reviewed one of my "stories"...? It was a long time ago, so it's understandable if you don't remember. My apologies if I never responded sooner. I haven't ben on here in ages.))
Wow... That's an excellent piece of writing. It really seems to convey a message- straight forward, yet subtle and hidden at the same time. Personally for me, it's incredibly true and emotional. You're an aspiring poet!
((Heh... I believe you once reviewed one of my "stories"...? It was a long time ago, so it's understandable if you don't remember. My apologies if I never responded sooner. I haven't ben on here in ages.))
5/6/2004 c1 20AllThatMatters
nice emotions! deff. been there before, nice job on this, your feelings are vibrantly in my head, please review us back thanks!
nice emotions! deff. been there before, nice job on this, your feelings are vibrantly in my head, please review us back thanks!